HUGE 2U fan here!! I can't wait to travel to South Bend, Indiana to check out the concerts at Notre Dame! I'm so happy I want to tell everyone about it, news, radio stations, and the internet!!

62  2016-03-17 by CharlieSheenAids

They are the ONLY official U2 cover band! Officially endorced by Bono himself!!


Hmm..... I wonder what Bono would think about 2U and their outspoken front man.

"I can't believe the coons today. I just can't close my eyes and make them go away."

I bet Bono and Brother Joe would get along swimmingly. Bono could talk about how "In the Name of Love" is a heart-felt martyr's song about the assassination of his hero Martin Luther King, and Joe could call Martin Luther King "a fucking nigger." Bono could talk about how he and Stevie Van Zandt created Artists Against Apartheid to fight South African bigotry, and Joe could call South Africans "a bunch of spear-chucking jigs." Bono could sing "Ordinary Love," a song about Nelson Mandela's decades long struggle against white South African oppression, and Joe could call Nelson Mandela an "uppity coon." Bono could discuss his advocacy for African debt forgiveness, and Joe could call Africans "nigger rich." They would become fast friends.

do more songs

If we could get Joe to talk about some dumb Irish bullshit nobody cares about, we could get a response from Bono.

Always wanted a reason to get in touch with Bono. Time to haul out that rolodex.

"TheSweetSniff? How've you been, me lad!...Oh, you know, the usual - goin' to the gym and eatin' better...Oh yeah? A cover band you say?...What a terrible name, even for a cover band...How's that?...The singer looks like a shylock version of me self?...'Bono-stien!' HA! You always were a pisser, TheSweetSniff. And what about the guitarist - what's he look like?...No kidding! A bald guinea who gets a monthly check from his Tunisian brother! Wait till the Edge hears about this!"

Hey! That's terrific! Here is list of student associations with email addresses! Lets get a big crowd to know all about 2U!!!

They're gonna LOVE the show!!!!!!!

Yes indeed! And there is a real chance to broaden the audience! I'm sure the Black Students Association would love this kind of entertainment. Their email address is [email protected]

and these guys too!!!!!!

Multicultural Peace Equality and Community (MPEC) The purpose and aims of the club shall be to improve the political, social and economic status of student minority groups: to eliminate racial prejudice; to keep the public aware of the adverse effects of racial discrimination. In addition, it’s objectives shall be to inform students of problems affecting African-Americans and other minority groups; to advance the overall status of all student minorities on campus; and to develop effective leadership skills. These objectives shall be pursued in accordance with the policies of the Association within the framework of the University’s regulations. If you would like more information on this club, please e-mail NAACP.

They will probably enjoy the Rotgut stuff too (especially the cover art):

eat that waddamellun

eat that waddamellun


Did you email them? Did they respond?

Ooof. What savagery. Well-played lad.

Hey that's totally rad guys! I bet the BlackLivesMatter groups on campus would totes love the 2U! Gonna send them some invites as well! After all it's officially endorsed by Bono and everyone loves a U2 song!


I believe I've already spoken with them about how much we love U2!!!

Outstanding. I'm sure there some power chord enthusiasts out there that would love to see 2U's guitarist BJ.

How about the any black students' groups. Bono is a champion for the oppressed, and I'm sure students of color would want to honor his music by seeing 2U play.

Is Bono a big tweeter? What about The Edge?

You glorious bastards. Keep it up.



Maybe I still haven't found when I'm looking for, maybe I have


Listening to Jim Jeffries on O&A #13 and brother joe just called talking about 2U and how theier singer hit notes that bono cant just as I saw this post.

You tell em! Reddit SJWs!

Go liberalism!!!!

for the new negro america!

Downvote me, but you guys are a bunch of sissies and creeps with your internet SJW campaign against Brother Joe. If any of you lisping buttfairies had a set of balls, you'd give him a piece of your mind personally instead of trying to fuck up his dumb gigs. Aren't we the same ones who complain about him having an allowance from Ant? Now that he is making some bread on his own, you're still up his ass.

I hate when people use terms like "SJW" and have no idea what they mean. Shut up and die.

It means that the people I'm referring to are raising a stink to ostensibly crusade against BJ's bigoted comments. It is not a really difficult concept to understand.

So u think ppl would be doing this if joe wasn't an annoying piece of shit who came here and preached about how he's better than everyone on this sub and how were all jealous of his relationship with "anth"?


How about when either he or someone involved with him (he did put out a "bounty" to doxx people) get your work email and try to fuck up your shit? I'm not saying doing the same thing to him is "right" but I'm glad it's fucking happening


What you dont get, faggot, is that this white supremacist piece of shit calls out people, then faggots like you white knight his pathetic ass. I know personally i wouldnt even be giving a fuck about this but he's gone out of his way to run his mouth a little too much about shit that he shouldnt even be talking about given his outspoken political views.

Karmas a bitch when it bites you in your fat fucking ass. If you want to run around calling people niggers and faggots, you better be prepared when people find that shit offensive and take action.

If he really gave a single fuck about his income and gigs he wouldnt be interviewing fucking David Duke and wearing shirts with swastikas and shit on them. Dude's not marilyn manson, the shock value doesnt work for him.

If you want to run around acting like some little fucking samcro white supremacist shock-boy, then the last thing you need to be doing is calling out people who do have the ability to fuck your shit up. Sadly, we arent even fucking him up, he fucked himself.

and fuck you too bitch.

Oh no. Please don't tell me you said he calls people out. Anything but that! BURN HIM!

LOL. You sound personally butthurt. The fact of the matter is, with all of your faggot talk, I'd smash your pussy face in. Real talk. I'll meet ANY of you in person in Midtown somewhere and slap the little bit of testosterone you might have right out of your body. The only ability any of you Nancies have to "fuck shit up" is through anonymous e-mails. I don't like Brother Joe. I think he's a lowbrow ginzo with a low-average IQ, but I hate passive-aggressive SJW sneak fags even more.

EDIT: My Periscope is: Dienda_Mydick. I'm going to Broadcast later so any of you shit talking little cupcakes who think you want to take a shot at the title can know just who you're dealing with. I don't wear SAMCRO clothes and MY assault charge isn't from bruising some bitch, but from breaking a nignog's face.

Hahahahhaa. In the same sentence, this guy started with "I hate tough talk on internet"....and ended it with "I'll meet anyone, anytime - and slap the cum out your body". Hahahahaha. Tough guys are the best.

how about the next time youre serving fries to a black person you shout "NIGGER" at them through the drive through window with the expectation of keeping your pathetic job. it wont happen.

same with brojo.

also using words like 'butthurt' and wanting to fight, you are a fucking real piece of work, faggot.

I don't do food service and I have yelled "Nigger" at the top of my lungs in various trains and in Jamaica, Queens when I was antagonized. I'd "fuck your shit up" in real life. I think you know that, buttercups. If you're not available, send your nignog emissary and HE'LL get fucked up.

boy youre as tough as the scar tissue under sue lightnings fake tits

Ew what were you doing in jamacia Queens. That's a spot I've only been because I accidentyl fell asleep on the j

user reports:

1: he needs a hat removal, asap

Haha these are great


Man your alpha-ness just screams off every word. Have you considered being a writer? What are you over compensating for?

Fite me IRL fag

Normally I would agree with you about hashtag justice, but Brother Joe is an entitled cunt.

It means that the people I'm referring to are raising a stink to ostensibly crusade against BJ's bigoted comments. It is not a really difficult concept to understand.

LOL. You sound personally butthurt. The fact of the matter is, with all of your faggot talk, I'd smash your pussy face in. Real talk. I'll meet ANY of you in person in Midtown somewhere and slap the little bit of testosterone you might have right out of your body. The only ability any of you Nancies have to "fuck shit up" is through anonymous e-mails. I don't like Brother Joe. I think he's a lowbrow ginzo with a low-average IQ, but I hate passive-aggressive SJW sneak fags even more.

EDIT: My Periscope is: Dienda_Mydick. I'm going to Broadcast later so any of you shit talking little cupcakes who think you want to take a shot at the title can know just who you're dealing with. I don't wear SAMCRO clothes and MY assault charge isn't from bruising some bitch, but from breaking a nignog's face.

Go liberalism!!!!

Oh no. Please don't tell me you said he calls people out. Anything but that! BURN HIM!