opie takes on the scope bros, calls them scope brothers... xpost from r/ronandfez

18  2016-03-17 by cosko


You can just tell nobody wants to be in his presence.

Would pay a lot of money to be able to sit in a room with Ant, Jimmy, Ron, Fezzy, Denny, Trav-Dog, and even the Stangels, to hear them speak honestly about their thoughts on Stupid.

Would confirm everything this subreddit stands for.

This subreddit stands for bleeding hemorrhoids.

Well we certainly can't sit for them.

You know the instant he goes away, they all roll their eyes in unison. I would love to see Pepper Hicks spit in his face and tell him to beat it.

I actually usually dont mind Gail when I hear her but her laughing at Opie's, I cant even say joke, whatever it was made me want to get raped with silverware.

It was a pity space filler laugh

yeah, but he deserved annoyed silence. I get that she did it because it was an uncomfortable moment and she had to react somehow but the fact that he got a laugh at all annoyed me at the time.


You can actually see the life and good mood leave Stanley and Ron the second they realize Squintin Tits has his phone out. Pepper should have broken his phone.

Just zero self awareness, no understanding of body language or friendship or regular human interaction. No wonder he has no friends.

This is a great video of people that would literally never hang out with him. Vos tried, and Opie was weird so they made fun of them on their podcast. It's like he just can't help being the worst person.

When did Gregg start living every waking moment like he's in The Blair Witch Project?

Hopefully he walks in a room and sees Jim standing in a corner.

...of the Blair Witch's compound.

He must be so awful to be around always with his phone out on twitter or recording video to get the next big "viral" hit. You can just tell that no one is comfortable around him.

Tit usually takes Roland with him everywhere so he has someone to talk to.

Open hostility at the end. Who tells him that to "just stop."

Guess Opie wants to take all the heat off Ant and does this, right? If that's the intention, all fine and dandy. Other than that, jeebus!

Belongs on /r/cringe

Can someone explain this?

Opie is a cunt.

Can you explain retard?

Gail really is just Ron in a wig.

I think Gail's cute

So is Ron ;)

I'm not here to judge. Even though it's all we've been doing in here for years


She's cute man,there's a few bad pics of her floating around but that happens to everyone. Here,check her out on Stanley's scop https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HaRAP5eJO-o

Eh....no thanks.

And I'm not some asshole who thinks I'm some runway model or who only finds swimsuit models attractive. I just don't find anything physically appealing about her...and I can't stand her on the air.

I did upvote you for the effort though.

To each their own.

Gail made a quick reference to this the next day.

I loved when Opie was really in the midst of his Jocktobering, all three of them would make reference to it.

The way tits acts in public always gives me flashbacks of being a douchey 12 year old

Opie will never not be the worst part of O&A, no matter how many ribs Anthony breaks or how many Jaws references he does.

I'm assuming this outside of the rich and bonnie unmasked.

Portrait frame? I knew Ant was black, but Opie too?


...of the Blair Witch's compound.