Cumia's YouTube's searches discovered this thing of beauty and they discuss on 9-9-13, too bad she's old. (Courtesy of NoOpie upload on

2  2016-03-17 by ricswrangler


That's just jimmy in a wig.

She'd be hot at a normal weight. Reminds me of Stettin kinda.

Bitch weighs about 67 pounds!! Goddamn Auschwitz survivor!! Yuckkk

Melissa Stetten puked her away into a skeleton

Remember this gem?

This is why I want lynching to become a thing in the states again -.-

i feel malnourished just watching this


There is so many great things about this, Its not that she looks like an upside down drying mop, but all her enthusiasm over "quaning", and how it changed her life, and how fucking pathetic and waif her dancing is and how she keep repeating "quan" and saying insufferable things like "quan-ing" or "quan-er". Fucking amazing.

Ugh! This bitch is still alive?

Wow look at the newer videos....

I'd stomp on her hands and ribs.

he's talked about her many times and how disgusting she is.

That's perfectly normal behavior to keep talking about someone you can't stand. Oh, wait.