Ann Coulter Vs Jim Norton (03/17/2016)

2  2016-03-17 by Johnniebutters


Are we putting a vs. in the title now whenever two people talk to each other?

Let me guess, she destroyed uninformed Jim?


Not really, it was amicable, see my comment above

Fucking Tits practically ruined this whole thing by interrupting everything with loud music like the morning zoo moron he is. At one point they all sat there quiet while shitty music played that I'm sure he thought was hysterical. Ugh.

Fucking Tits practically ruined this whole thing

this is always implied.

i can't even enjoy the clips that are good enough to make it here anymore - he fucking ruins EVERY conversation.

yuck, what an angry sad cunt she is

And Ann is, too.

Colin: I didn't film my last one man show

Colin: I didn't film my last show

Colin: My last show wasn't filmed

Opie: Ya didn't film it at all?

Great question Opie, maybe Colin filmed it with a lens cap on for the first half right?

I honestly think Gregg is the dumbest person I've heard. Takes a lot of balls to trash Larry King's career as an interviewer when you literally can't do anything but repeat questions, take phone calls, and literally play fucking music over your guests.

The way she said "thooiank you" at the beginning, was a little bizarre

I'd rather listen to Sherrod.

I dunno about that, that's a tough one. I almost think Opie does better with a chick. Him saying "outrageous" stuff at least gets a reaction from her other than douche chills

Her voice is too fucking cunty. I can't stand it.

I really wanna hear her side of things because I'm sure it's not the popular opinion and am curious to hear what she thinks. But it's SO hard to tolerate that fucking snide, condescending tone of her voice. It reminds me of every rich asshole mom we had to deal with in Studio City booking their kid's birthday parties.

... and we all remember what that was like, huh gang?

"She" doesn't ever really say anything. Just snide rejoinders and misdirection. If you disagree with her and make a point the conversation is suddenly about something else.


I feel the same about her that I do about Bill Maher. That condescending, "Am I right or am I right?" tone in their voice after they make a point.

Jim was fine here IMO. He didn't really argue with her about anything, they just disagreed with the definition of conservative judges. Jim thought Scalia was too conservative of a judge in a politics sense and prefers a judge that is more centerist. Ann claimed that Jimmy was confusing conservative vs. liberal in a political sense, whereas conservatism in the sense of the court means that Scalia viewed his own powers conservatively. It's complete horseshit because in the same breath she claimed that the new Obama nominee was a democrat and too liberal and would take away the rights to own guns. So I guess Ann thinks that all the liberals on the court are liberal in a political sense, but all the conservatives are only conservative in how they view their own powers. Fuck that I'm with Jimmy, Scalia was too far right and it clearly colored his opinions. Jim didn't back down tho because he basically ignored her dumb statement and restated his own opinion. I like Ann sometimes, she says some truthful things but she also says some shit that's in left field.

I also like that she gave Louis CK shit. She said she loves his comedy and has a lot of respect for comedians but they look really stupid when they start being political pundits.

She looks dumb when she's trying to be funny or a pundit.

It's actually spelled "pundint".

Don't know if you're serious or making a failed joke. But, no, it isn't

Linger longer, bro.

Ok what'd I miss? Is this a running gag? Not familiar with it if so.

Yes. I can't find the video (I think it's buried within the Bombs and Flubs break) but Anthony, for his entire sixty years of life, thought the word was "pundint" until Jim politely corrected him.

Well don't I look like a fucking idiot. And so is Ant. At least I'm not a high school drop out. I've listened since Sirius and former syndication on WJFK but don't know every bit like folks around here.

Some RaqioFan you are.

Yup. Just swallowed a bottle of aspirin. This whole ordeal will be over soon. Hopefully I don't Jimmy out of it.

Your whole statement is an opinion, and a shitty uninformed one.

No it's not. First part fact, then my opinion, then last part fact about Louie ck. Ironic you call me uninformed yet you're too stupid to read what I wrote. Where am I uninformed, exactly?

Okay, terrific.

What gave it away as opinion detective? Perhaps the "IMO" in the first sentence? Good work buddy, kill yourself.

Go fuck your mother.

I'd rather she write down her thoughts and let someone else read them because her voice is an abomination.

I went into this with the full intention of listening to it but 2 minutes in when sherrod busts into his nigger laugh because opie said something that wasnt funny about a song I just instinctively went for the x button.

She sounds odd in the clip.

It's all that testosterone suppression therapy.


Jim is lame. Everything he said about Trump, "I like him, but.."