Ann Coulters laugh

4  2016-03-17 by DButler1979

Makes me want to kill something. She is one of the hate-able people i have ever heard speak. Awful cunt.


Makes me want to kill something

start with yourself.

You listen to Tits and yet Coulter is the one you hate? You're fucking out.

I used to hate her until i realized how badly liberals can suck now i love how mad she makes them.

What an interesting and nuanced opinion

Idk, I dont care that much about it thats just what it is. And I've seen the phrase "nuanced opinion" like 3 times this week. What O&A world person said it recently?

I doubt anyone in the OnA universe knows the word 'nuance'

Probably not...I sure dont

I dont care about her views. He comes off like a know it all cunt either way and she has the worst laugh ive ever heard.

She makes me want to jerk of relentlessly for hours.

She is atrocious. Like the skeleton of an ostrich running around bitching about liberals.

It's what happens when you have a fake, fox news voice, all the time. that's the most natural the Coulter-Monster can sound. Not nearly as annoying as when she says "RAAAAAAIIITE". Yuk.

Great points.