Jimmy did Uncle Paul today

27  2016-03-17 by dflorio

For a decent amount of time, where's the posts? It's always negative here. Today was a funny show.


This sub is way too busy trying to drive Anthony and/or Joe to commit suicide.

Ant's actually busier driving himself to court.

I googled pickled punk because i figured it was a green day album or something and was going to tell you to kill yourself but thats pretty funny. Did they ever talk about them on O&A?

Yeah, it's a baby in a jar in some weird morbid museum in philly. Back from the WNEW days.

A subreddit of Opie and Anthony fans... who hate Opie and Anthony. (It's wondrous)

ignorance is strength

Jimmy sullied all the characters with that scam job. He was silent when the indiegogo ended and DIDNT EVEN THANK THE PEOPLE WHO DONATED. he's such a piece of shit for that. The fact he had the nerve to ask for money for that terrible excuse of whatever it is. I can't even call those episodes... It was 4 fucking minutes. I'm getting mad I have to stop

I never found any of those characters funny in the first place and the chip shit here annoys me to no end

Come on....You never found Ted or Edgar funny?

Cregg Schinkel is a good one.

Ted yes, and I did like a lot of the one off characters he did. Like everyday Joe or whatever but I wasn't in love. Let's put it this way I'd laugh every now and again but I didn't find it funny enough to bring all the gay chip shit here or post the show is so bad now because opie doesn't let Jim do his characters.

I get annoyed with people doing chip on here too unless it's a chiproll.

yeah agreed. and theres way too many kids on here now that will just shitposr and think that its all okay if they say peckah..

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA (like that one crazy guy that hates us and thinks were all pushing some liberal agenda)

That kind of shit goes way back though. Surely you recall the constant calls to both O&A and R&F about how X celebrity should slip in a puddle of aids. I wish I could remember the episode but even Ron started calling people out on it and asking if they thought repeating an edgy line from a comedian made them edgy.

So many chips we should come in a packet, or something.


A bag you asshole, chips come in a bag. You are not even funny enough to be Chip.

hey, cool it. you'r getting so steamed up you'd think you was steamed broccoli or sumptin', tss.

so many chips you'd think you was gambling, or sumptin'.

tss, fuckin' homerun Chippah

Packet? Sounds like Canadian Chip. I hate him even more.

That was British chip. Which is really wrong because they call them crisps so he really fucked up.

Tss tss. Chiproll? I'd prefer a chip cook, cock suckah!!!

Yeah, the characters are stale. He needs new material.

He really didn't thank the people who donated?

nope no mention on chip or jims twitter. he's a true fucking worm

Norton's "characters"(real personality traits) and Bobo in every day are why I stopped listening to the show and switched to Ron and Fez years ago. It was kind of slightly amusing at first but then it became every other sentence. Jokes about sucking tranny dick and hack comedy. That Norton sure is one innovative comic.

I like bobo and lady di. I especuslly liked how much they annoyed Jim

that whole thing was the worst thing ever obviously but i'll still never not love chip. hes just an idiot for doing a cartoon instead of endless comic con videos

Did you donate? There's perks you buy.. You not know how it works? No one forced you to give anything

lmao fuck no I didnt donate. doesn't matter you don't think he should maybe tweet thank you? or let the people who did donate know what's going on with the cartoon ? most celebs would do that when it ends most people would still be promoting it 2 weeks before the campaign ran out also. you cant possibly think he didnt go about the whole thing in a shitty way.

and it was a COMPLETE failure

people didnt donate to get a fucking tshirt or a tweet from jim, they did it to get a shit cartoon which he's been silent about

Lol.. If you didn't contribute it has NOTHING to do with you!

well I hope you get your tshirt timmy and executive producer credit

ah jesus joe

I'm busy working on a way to top that last Vos roll. The stakes are raised.

It's worse when Anthony does an impression of someone doing an impression.

And Anthony doing Uncle Paul is him not being self-aware.

Brother Joe has basically turned this place into another tumblr

Didn't know he stopped. Post the link yourself if you want to contribute. Google opie with jim norton you'll find it.

I'm not the biggest fan of his character stuff

hey, cool it. you'r getting so steamed up you'd think you was steamed broccoli or sumptin', tss.

so many chips you'd think you was gambling, or sumptin'.

tss, fuckin' homerun Chippah

Packet? Sounds like Canadian Chip. I hate him even more.

ignorance is strength

That was British chip. Which is really wrong because they call them crisps so he really fucked up.