Brother Joe Cumia: A Racist Compendium

72  2016-03-17 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Clearly he's just misunderstood and it's the notoriously liberal O&A fanbase that's framing him as some sort of racist.

he also back traced is ancestry to the 15 century, he is a descendant of a pirate!

How the fuck did his deadbeat, perpetually broke, running from bills father afford to trace back their lineage to the 15th century??

More likely his father paid one of those phony genealogical "research" companies that flourished in the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's that would take 20 bucks and send you a certificate and a family coat of arms.

Quick Wikipedia search on Red Beard the pirate turned up a nice page about him with this bit of info about his parents.....Khizr was born around 1478 on the Ottoman island of Midilli (Lesbos), in the village Palaiokipos, to his father Yakup Ağa and to his mother Katerina. His father was a Turk of Albanian origin. His mother was a local Christian Greek woman from Mytilene, the widow of an Orthodox priest.

But as I said, no way are the Cumia's related to Red Beard. He ended up being nobility so we know that Long Island trash can't possibly be related to him even distantly.

And for the Anthony and Joe ball lickers that will inevitably respond to this, my great aunt spent literally thousands upon thousands of dollars back in the 70's researching our family tree, that included flying to other countries, going through old church records, paying universities in other countries to research, paying churches for copies of records, cost of international mail etc etc. It was not a cheap process as I said and she only got back to the 16th century after about 7 years of effort.

So no effing way Joe's broke dick daddy managed to get back to the 15th century. He didn't have the money or the commitment to doing it properly. He was probably hammered drunk one day, saw an ad in the back of a magazine and sent off the money instead of paying his rent, bills or buying food for his kids, and got back the standard response the company gave out to people with last names that sounds like they came from Italy and the Mediterranean region.

I dunno man, despite Joe being unable to even spell his ancestors nickname correctly, the fact that Barbarossa was an Ottoman Turk answers a lot of questions that a lot of people in this sub have about the Cumia lineage .

He got the pirates favorite letter wrong. It be the sea.

Captain Jack Swallows

He sometimes even chants like a Gregorian Monk! He's WILD!

This gave me the biggest douchechills anything or anyone related to the show has ever done.

We need to get this sent to the Notre Dame Student Union. They can't be supporting this kind of bigot.

Edit: here is the link the the student activities board at Notre Dame. Don't think they would like to knowingly financially support this kind of intolerance

Is there a Notre Dame sub? Someone pose as a student and act offended. We know how college students feel about racism these days.

Ya but just make we sure we don't go over the top with the SJW language and blow our cover.

No you don't want to go overboard an alienate the students but it's definitely a good thing that most college students tend to have a more open mind about race.

I sent an email to the director of student affairs at ND. Her PUBLIC contact info is: Peggy Hnatusko Director [email protected] 631-7308



Has Bono been informed of this? As the only U2 cover band officially endorsed by U2, I wonder if the lads would be concerned about this.

lol are they really officially endorsed?

I don't know for sure, but his press kit says they had to get the original band's permission to play at Disney's thing in Florida (Epcot?). All of the tribute bands had to get permission, so it doesn't say that Disney garnered their permission for them or what...but Joe's story they are the only band "officially endorsed by U2".

Couldn't even make it through the first paragraph without mentioning Tranth.

I'm one of the people directly attacking him. I'm not white, nor an SJW.

I think it's fair to say that you're all in with the Joe is a racist and he needs to lose his livelihood and house and possibly his sweet little daughter who can move in with uncle Anthony who has a no swimming costume necessary to use the pool policy?

So will any of you cherubs be at









This weekend?

I read that thing all the way down. Well played.

You're a good egg.

You too buddy.

That theme song for that dumb show says something about negroes too. I just sat through like 2 full minutes of it on the Jim Florentine episode of gba

This is gold Jerry, GOLD!!!!!

Excellent resource. This really needs to be distributed to all of Joseph Cumia's buyers so they are all aware of Joseph Cumia's vile racism and white supremacism


The amount of time you put into this is just evidence that you sir have an extremely pathetic life!!! HOLY SHIT what a fucking loser!

Considering that the only reason I did it was to embed a Vos plug for Magoobys (the first letter of each sentence), I'd say it's time well spent. Thanks for not picking up on that, you ape.

But while I got you, let me just tell you: RICH VOS MAGOOBYS MARCH 17TH-19TH

But thankfully we have real men with high T levels like you to put the sjws here in their place!

it sucks that this sub cares about racism now. only a few months ago people were throwing around slurs like hotcakes

Ur completely missing the point u dumb nig

Don't be such a heeb about it.

Found the nigger

You're legally retarded.