What is your political affiliation?

0  2016-03-17 by [deleted]



like most people, i vote for the cooler dude. Obama in '08 and '12. Bush in '00 and '04. Clinton in '92 and '96. Reagan in '80 and '84. Carter in '76. Kennedy in '60. All cooler than their opponent. Trump seems cooler than Hillary, so he's probably gonna win, so I'll vote for him 'cause i vote for winners and cool dudes. Don't waste time with polls and rhetoric. When it's all said and done, it comes down to which of the two seems more fun at a backyard bbq.

I like the cut of ur jib, brothaman!

Raised in New Jersey, Rich Vos is a no-holds-barred performer who destroys in comedy clubs around the country. A comedian’s comedian, he can be heard regularly on Opie and Jimmy and as a guest on the most popular podcasts including WTF with Marc Maron and Rogan.

Rich also has his own hit podcast (on Riotcast) and a radio show (on Sirius) both called My Wife Hates Me. (That’s not confusing.) His cohost is his wife, comedian Bonnie McFarlane.

Rich can be seen on HBO, Showtime, Starz, Jimmy Kimmel and Comedy Central where he has two stand-up specials. Rich Vos can also be seen in the hit Netflix movie Women Aren’t Funny which he also produced.

As a comedy writer, he’s come up with the best lines for the Comedy Central Roasts and was a writer this year on the Oscars for the second time.

For cooperate events, roast, golf outings, and theaters.

If that’s not enough, you can download any one of his 4 cd’s from iTunes.

And, yes ... The dolt said "cooperate events" on his webpage. Fucking Vohs


I'm a conspiracy nut so I hate and don't respect any politics.

So who killed Pete Davidson's dad in your opinion?

His act

Legalize drugs gambling and prostitution. Tax the churches.

Im a neo-whig

I think I have a way to abbreviate this

Registered Democrat but I fucking hate SJW's and how repressive the left has become in regards to freedom of speech and ideas.

Also niggers.

I'm pretty all over the place.

  • Pro 2A

  • Legalize weed, decriminalize all drugs. The war on drugs is a waste of money.

  • Religion has no place in politics

  • I hate most entitlement programs besides the fact that I'd be okay with single payer healthcare. Based on personal experience, there is a massive amount of abuse of welfare programs in lower income communities. White millennials grew up in upper middle class neighborhoods so they feel empathy for people that don't deserve it.

  • Flat tax and open borders are stupid. Rich people should pay more, poor people should pay less.

  • Tired of wars that seem to only waste money, and get us nowhere.

  • Pro abortion, not choice. I think abortions should be encouraged so that stupid people stop having stupid children.

The less the government is in my life, the better, generally speaking. FWIW, I'll be voting for Trump. Mostly because the PC fags need a few kicks in the mouth, and it'll be fun to watch.

White Nationalist, here come the down votes.

My favorite WP band... how'd you know?!! 14/88

ha. Your comment made the song play in my head.

You sir, are a good egg.

Libertarian. Guns, Mexican Hookers, and Ass Sex.


Thiss ssssschtupid thread needs a plug for The Stretch Factory Apr 21-23rd.

Radovan Karadzic



I don't subscribe to ideologies. Most of my views are pretty left leaning, though.

Card carrying member of the Klingon Council

I'm with you. Libertarian. Not the Trump bandwagoning type.

Marxist Socialist


The 50 - 100 active members of this subreddit are lonely adolescent pathetic uneducated social justice warriors whose only time spent out of their parent's basement is at Feel The Bern socialist rallies and riots.

No matter who wins, I hope they decide holier-than-thou faggots like you need to be purged.

No matter who wins, I hope they decide holier-than-thou faggots like you need to be purged.