5  2016-03-16 by TakeMeXenu

Did Joe The Fake Tough Guy really slip up and say he and Ant had a pact when they were young that whoever made it first would help the other out?

Is he saying Ant has been paying him a salary? How does a man take money from his brother for doing nothing and not feel embarrassed? What a buffoon.

Joe The Fag can't make money without covering other peoples songs. Can't make money without taking it from his brother who actually has talent.

Holy shit is this guy fucked in the head. And he contends he's superior just because he's white? I've never seen such a loser in life. I know hispanic illegal aliens who own landscaping company's who instantly deserve more respect as men than Joe The Queer. They work for their money.


No real slip up, Anthony outright said it on one of his early TACS Cumia family shows. Explained the whole deal. Couldn't leave his brother to install air conditioners on hot roofs all day while he rolled in his money. There was a link around here for it, but fuck if I know how this internet thing works.

It's fun to poke fun at Joe about it (i definitely do it), but I know I'd do the same for my brothers if I made it big. When you come from little means, you look out for each other in these sorts of ways.

EDIT: Err I mean fuck those fuckin fags

You'd pay your piece of shit brother a salary to do nothing instead of telling him to get a real job?

Short answer, no, I wouldn't pay my brother a salary to loaf around and do nothing. I'm not really interested in defending Anthony, but do we know that he really pays his brother a salary? I think if I were Anthony I would give my brother a bunch of money to allow him to buy a house outright, invest some, live off interest, and pursue a better career/education. I have no idea what their situation is, or how much he makes through his bands. But if he's touring and an active musician (even if it's a cover band), it's possible he's making enough to support himself, especially if there's no mortgage or car payments. I think I would help my brother in anyway I could so he didn't have to have a job breaking his back and dying at 60. Just my opinion.

Giving a relative a "bunch of money" is a terrible idea, it never ends well. Don't ever play the lotto, your life will be ruined if you win.

I don't think you understand what I'm meaning here. To some (many?) a brother isn't just some relative. Some brothers aren't close, some are. Some families are tight knit, especially when parent(s) die young. Sometimes you go through some tough fucked up events with your brothers and sisters. I'm not talking about some meth head cousin you see twice a year at grandma's or your uncle that patted your little ass once too often when you were 5. And I also don't mean giving him a lump sum of cash to do what he wants. I'm talking "send me the bill" type shit to help get a better life/job/house/investments situation.

Typical white trash behaviour.

Yeah well the world runs on the backs of white trash and the lower classes, always has. The rich make up only 1% of the population for a reason.

LOL. We're going to replace you all with robots. No one needs you or BroJoe.

Oh yeah? Who's "we"? You rich, or a millennial? Millennials are the poster boys for the movie Idiocracy. Soon enough they will be worshiping Google when it's the next Brawndo while the bridges and roads crumble around them.

I can't speak for BroJoe, but I'm white collar and make a fuck ton more than any white trash folks I grew up with. These idiots of the world are brainwashed by tech and celebrity culture and think they are only one step away from making millions of dollars. And only lunatic "conservatives" think that everyone has a shot at making it big by "pulling up your bootstraps".

These redneck fucksticks vote into office the rich while not even realizing those politicians want policies that will just make them poorer and needing handouts. But hey, Trump is a billionaire! We can vote him in and he will make us all better off because he's a business man! He's a self made man! LMFAO. Trump came from money and was handed a million dollars to get started. Fuck them, they deserve nothing, or rather, they deserve exactly what they vote for. That's why I hate guys like Bro Joe. But if I made 5 million a year, I'd help anyone in my immediate family that's struggling, because that's just what you do.

You have a lot of anger at being a failure. I'm no millennial.

Haha yeah only an idiot would read what I said and call it anger. I'm about the furthest thing from a failure there is, but I'm not interested in proving anything to an internet shit stirrer, which I'm sure is the only thing you'll ever have going for you.

Blah, blah, blah. Suck some more cock while you're at it, faggot.

From what I know about you, you're about as straight as Colonel Fitts in American Beauty. Talking shit but really just wishing your shit would get pushed in. Except, hopefully, one day you instead get the ending to the back of the head like Kevin Spacey. Good day sir!

Would you, mind, reposting that, but, with a few more commas?

Wow, sick come back. Only the biggest fags resort to attacking poor grammar, I can't even imagine what kind of bottom feeding retard attacks proper grammar. You're batting a thousand, this is going great for you.

You responded to the same post twice. You're fucking insane.

Stop deflecting. Go back to trying to find some toothless trannies that subconsciously look like your neglectful whore mom in your bumfuck loser town.


Deflect your mom's cunt. Fuck off.

And you're downvoting a one-on-one conversation? Bwahahahaha what a fucking clown show. Fake internet points mean a lot to you do they?

You responded to the same post twice. You're fucking insane.

EDIT - And I didn't downvote you, faggot.

Of course you did. No one is paying attention to this thread. It's pages deep and no one has commented since yesterday. I knew I was dealing with moron, didn't think you were a liar on top of it

Eat shit, faggot.

Joe has complained about welfare recipients in the past, but he's basically on welfare himself, his baby brother pays for everything.

He's not on welfare. He has seven incredibly successful cover/tribute bands. Well he did until you guys ruined his livelyhood. Now all he can do is play different variations of "the house nextdoor to me" at Klan meetings.

It's also general consensus that brother joe is probably "slow" and Anthony has a pulse somewhere deep inside his blackened innards and feels the need to take care of him

One of the things I can't fault ant for, and I wish others wouldn't, is taking care of his mildly retarded brother. It's actually honorable.

One thing I HATE is brother joe acting like "he" made it, and acting like it's all him. The little shit could at least be humble and grateful, but instead he posts all about how successful he is.


Yeah ant mentioned it on o and a at least once too

I just died of cringe and head shaking.

The idiot batshittery that is BroJoe is really astounding.

He didn't do nothing. He put together a Dickie Goodman style sound clip about Andrea Yates once.