Is Brother Joe really that painfully stupid that he thinks he's being attacked by people with a "social justice" agenda, rather than out of pure, malicious amusement?

48  2016-03-16 by cayneabel



No, it's spin. He called for examples on facebook about his racism. I posted them and he blocked me.

He blocked you then made his Facebook private, insuring his "buyers" wouldn't be able to see his defense, either. The Cumias are not smart people.

That's what made me laugh the hardest.

"Hey, I have this defense on my Facebook but you have to accept my friend request first"

"You're a fucking coverband, why is there so much drama? I'll just hire someone who can play music"

Fuck this bullshit, ill just plug my phone into the sound system

Scott Salem style. Music the way YOU want it.

HANDS UP!! In all honesty I'd rather go to a Ronnie Mund block party than sit with drunk bar sluts twice my age and watch a shittier version of a shitty band.



Come on now, he couldn't possibly have expected you to pull out that particular ace.

It was quite the cunning ruse on my part.

Not those examples! Those ruin his whole point.

Not only is he that stupid it gets worse. He thinks that if he just goes on facebook and say "It's not true, that never happened" it will negate the copious amounts of racist tweets that remain all over the internet.

Apparently this dumbass deigo has never heard of wayback or google cache.

" ding ding ding "

Please don't do that.


Then he's got a bunch of middle aged Long Island yokels leaving their initials after his open letter to "the buyers." I'm sure none of these clowns have ever seen his Twitter rants or tirades on his show. They hear that he's been victimized by internet ne'er-do-wells and jump all over it just like when they copy/pasted some Facebook privacy notice because their friend Donna from Massapequa said to.

You dopes are proving his point that you do have a social justice warrior agenda in a thread arguing you dont.


actually, youre the dope that doesnt get it. What kind of SJW listened to Opie and Anthony? I'm the furthest thing from a SJW you could imagine. I probably would even say that I agree with brojo's political views.

He's just getting fucked with because he's a fucking cunt who keeps poking the bee's nest. He's only fucking with himself by fucking with us.

I don't even care he's racist. I'm hating on him being a thin-skinned douchebag.

We're using the ammo that was given, that's all. Joe has years of racist tweets and we never gave a fuck before we decided to crush him. I still don't give a fuck, but other people do.

I fucking hated when he called into O&A and I fucking hate it that threads keep getting made reminding me he exists.

There are people here (even in this thread) that don't even get it. They say shit like "You hypocrites don't even realize you're doing the same thing as SJWs!"

Everytime I see those posts, I don't get it. How do you not know what's going on?


It's a way for him to make himself feel important.

WE need to be going harder, Panera jobs be damned

Dont fret about Panera jobs. Olive Garden will hire us if we clean up negative Italian stereotypes by exposing Joe Cumia for the cunt he is

Peck ahs

We're Cumia Justice Warriors.

People think regimes like the Nazi's, and the Soviets used a mass of secret police to keep their population saying and doing only the things they want. This is false. It was the people. Their own families. Their own subreddit.


I think a lot of the grief that's come Opie, Jimmy and the Cumia's way stems from the fact that they have sorely underestimated us. Which probably stems from their own self delusion. Even now, Joe's "career" of 20-plus years is in danger of being derailed, simply because he had to shoot his big fucking idiot mouth at a bunch of people who revel in destroying things with a purpose. If he had any foresight, he would've stayed out of it. He's getting what he deserves now.

hed rather feel like some type of political prisoner/victim than the dopey unaware target he actually is


Better people than him have got in more trouble for saying less racist shit so fuck it.


I thought he was trying some kind of reverse psych when he was saying that.


Yes, he has a low IQ

No, he said "SJW tactics" which is exactly what was used.

He is exactly right.


People say SJW tactics but the religious right were using that kind of stuff (calling sponsors to cancel, calling people's work, taking quotes out of context) much earlier than the modern SJW incarnations.

What's that got to do with anything? Rebels in the revolutionary war used guerrilla tactics even though that term didn't become popular until much later. If you know what a SJW is, calling what they do "SJW tactics" is perfectly valid even if someone else did it first, or is still doing it for that matter. Religious idiots don't own the patent on trying to get people in trouble.

and what kind of tactics are you using, hmmm? If I were you, I'd look in the mirror at myself instead of blaming everybody

SJW tactics are usually making things sound worse than they are. People are just sharing his tweets and they're plainly virulenty racist.

You don't need to infer anything. He's confident and unapologetic in his racism. Why is he suddenly back pedaling now?

Worse than they are? People are actually affecting his livelihood. I'd say it's a perfectly accurate description. The point is nobody here cared about the Kumia Klan's blatant racism until everyone turned on Anthony and Joe started threatening to beat people up. I personally don't care if Joe continues to have a career or not, but it's disingenuous to say any of the recent activity by this sub is being done with good intentions.

A good term I've heard for it is "concern trolling". Pretending to care about something to stir up shit. Same thing with the people ratting on anthony to guinness. His logo is probably illegally similar to theirs, but nobody here actually gives a shit about the integrity of the guinness trademark.

If tomorrow Joe released a sex tape he made years ago with Lynsi and started talking shit about Opie, I have a feeling this entire racism angle would mysteriously disappear.

You're using the same tactics as sjws.