The Show Sucks Stop Listening Thread 3/16/16

25  2016-03-16 by [deleted]



Sherrod makes me understand Anthony's racism.

Why would Ant be racist toward people like Sherrod? Is Sherrod black?

Black-On-Black hatred is a big problem for the community.

And a lack of personal accountability.

He's a walking mute button.

I was listening for like 10 minutes thinking Jim wasn't in today until I finally heard him speak. He's starting to take the Fez approach.

no hes been like that for a long time. it was even worse back in day when ppl who may replace him like burr in studio, the worm would throw a hissy fit and wont speak for hrs

Nah Jim's always been like that. The fucking guy admitted to writing most of his book during the show.

this is how you remind plays by nickelback coming back from break as Pete sings it...

Opie, "alright woke Pete up with a little Creeeeeed"

Opie is gad dammed clueless

Well, in all fairness, both Creed and Nickelback ARE cut from the same turd.

to be honest, confusing Creed with Nickelback isn't all that shameful.

Knowing the difference is what would be shameful, really.

did this actually happen or is this another clever ruse to make me hate The Opster even more?



no, no, no, no, and no. They did not play This Is How You Remind Me to start the show and Opie did not call it Creed. I can't live with that.

HAHAHA! Fucking hell.

Totally happened. No one called him on it.

Just make Pete Davidson your 2nd mic and ride his coattails into another contract already

Would be dumb on Pete Davidson's part. He's far too young and talented to be wasting his time sitting next to Opie day in and day out.

Did they really need Sherrod AND pete? Seriously Sherrod talks over everyone. It's unlistenable

I'll never understand why these comedians keep coming into this show and doing opie's job for him for nothing. He really has made a career out of giving plugs to these guys yet they don't seem to realize how few people listen. These are extremely desperate people and it's kind of disturbing to see how much they get taken advantage of by this leech. Opie makes all of the money while they do all of the work for nothing.

They should be getting paid at least $1000 per hour each. Regardless of how little entertainment they may provide, they are still providing content.

The clubs MAKE them go.

Marc Maron has mentioned this on his podcast. He'll have a gig scheduled at some hole in the wall in the Midwest, and the stupid club owner will DEMAND that Marc appears on the radio to promote the gig.

Night club owners have comedians by the balls, and they can make all kinds of demeaning demands in the contract.

Demeaning might be a bit strong. I'm sure you do more annoying shit at your job for a lot less money and don't think you're being treated like a slave.

Excuse me dare you. We're talking about doing radio with Gregg Hughes. If I had to watch my boss fuck my wife, that'd be less demeaning than doing radio w/ that fat-bosomed parasite.

I understand that all too well. The comics that I'm speaking of are the ones who come in for several days a week at the time, numerous times per year and stay for the entire show. No one MAKES them go that often and for that long. They may have to go make an APPEARANCE but they don't DEMAND that they do that. OPIE holds this over their head and has them do his job for FREE.

I would say I agree with you, but everyone of those comedians who keep coming in, always say ever since I came on the show, the seats are filled and the fans all say they heard him on the O&J show. Kevin Brennan just said ever since his last visit he's gotten more exposure than ever before.

I agree, Opie should give half his current salary to Jim and the rest should go to Bobby, Vos, Florentine, etc. He can keep 80k a year, because that's prob what the board ops make.

pretty sure opie has a ratings report from WNEW days and just changeds the dates on it to gain some legitimacy, no one is listening to this shit now.


Nickelback's playing

I noticed that, too. Mr. "I spent a billion years doing rock radio" gets the artist wrong on one of the few rock crossover hits since 2000.

Ol' brain rot

I thought SNL was hard, maaaaaaan. Long hours, stress, competition, low pay, lorne's very hard on everyone, doesn't communicate. Meanwhile little orphan Petie is working a damn second job every morning and a third job doing late night spots at comedy clubs. Guess SNL ain't the pressure cooker it used to be.

Remember that these statements are made by people who have probably never had a real job…comedians, actors, etc..

Lazy, relatively useless people

Anytime an entertainer tries to play the everyman I want to throw a box of knives at them.

but if the box is closed then it wouldn't really harm them, right? I think you need to take the knives out before throwing them if you really want them to have an impact.

But if I throw a box of knives at the but the top were opened, they might fumble to grab what comes out of it and in the process cut up their hands and pelvis and middle area.

So in other words the box is the equivalent of a shotgun for knives. It creates a large damage area that can hit your target in many areas. I see where your head is at.


Pete said yesterday SNL is off for two weeks.

Pete's on SNL for about 30 seconds a week.

I did enjoy his last sketch where he's watching something embarrassing with his parents though.

And partying in between

"Stop Listening" and "Sherrod" are the same thing to me.

Sherrod is really the worst. He has no business being on a radio show.

Stop yelling obnoxiously at the guests as they're talking, you ignorant boob. He cuts them off and yells at them as they're talking.

What a piece of shit.

He sounds like an N person.

Maybe. I've yet to hear any concrete evidence though.

He has no business being


I've gotten more chuckles out of Opie, and that's saying a lot.

They're unironically talking to Carrot Top and Opie's enthralled with him.

College favorite.

They had him on before, back in 2007 and 2010. He had decent appearances. Of course, I wouldn't have known, since Bill Burr and Patrice O'Neal were the lone bright spots.

At least Uncle Paul showed up

Eliza is going to Africa...

Tell my people i said what up, just shutup Sherrod.

At this point even Africans don't like American blacks...

This is actually true. Every Carribean and african i ever knew hates African Americans as much as Ant.

The Bonfire -- Comedy Central Radio, SiriusXM, Mon & Wed 6pm - 8pm

AKA Let's hear two guys trying to get naked pictures for a couple hours

Are you not a fan of hearing them gush over pictures the listeners will never get to see?

No, but I do like hearing other guys get all horned up, so I have a real dilemma

Gave that show a chance, couldn't get into hearing a couple of guys describe "shooting ropes" for a hundredth time. But that's just me

But I thought the Bonfire was going to be the next big thing in radio?

It is. People are exaggerating on the Internet.

It is the next big thing in radio? Seriously?

It's currently the best show on the radio.

That doesn't make it a hit. Nobody outside of this sub even knows who these guys are.

I was only referring to quality.

They bailed on that and acknowledged it was because of the negative listener feedback. So they're not Opie or Anthony.

Yeah that listener was me, I made a post on the bonfires sub, then tweeted both of them which they both responded to. You're welcome. :)

Thanks for your service. Next request - stop being so nice to callers that are obviously loying. The greatest moment of the show so far has been Brad, borne out of shitting on a caller.

Love Dan and Jay, but Jay's chick...oof.


Chris Rock's cousin is on? I heard he's black, has he ever mentioned that?

Pete ever say anything about the Stengals??

what does it say about the show that even with free shit in my face I'll read the thread and then don't click the links.

Seriously, who still listens to this shit?

lol you still listen

Show sucks stop listening (but listen and talk about it anyway) thread 😂

There's people here who do listen. The vast majority just check these threads to see if anything interesting happened. Nothing today it seems.

But if I throw a box of knives at the but the top were opened, they might fumble to grab what comes out of it and in the process cut up their hands and pelvis and middle area.