Antwone Salutes Reddit!! XOXO

0  2016-03-16 by revt1


Haha he's not white


Most of us simply state this about Joe & Ant because we know its likely to get a rise out of them. I mean, we lack a smoking gun when it comes to establishing beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Ant partook in Sue.

But when Ant responded to these tranny allegations, the way he did. Expect all hands to buckle down & attack the chink in the armor.

We know Ant's triggers. Why wouldnt we push them??

Opie, Ant & Jim would justify many of their bits by stating that "being offended was a choice"(Which I agree with). Now if only they took their own advice, when they themselves are the targets of trashings - if they chose to play along, acknowledge & ignore etc we would pick up our toys and go home. Instead of zeroing in & cranking it up to 11 because they choose to make it soo damn entertaining!!


Racism is his entire identity and political affiliation. Discussing taxes would be a legitimate political discussion but hes not capable of doing something like that without yelling about black people. Its hilarious and we make fun of him for it.


That's one of the creepiest pictures I've ever seen

This one takes the cake for me

In a suit he looks like a ventriloquist's puppet with a bunch of holes drill in the face.



He's whiter than Ant.

His mustache looks like he drew it on with a sharpie.
