Well pack it in, Bro Joe claims victory. And Reddit is as powerful as Joe McCarthy.

43  2016-03-16 by HaveYouHadTheSoup


If I was a random stranger reading all of that nonsense, I'd think he's mentally ill and should be locked up.

If I was a friend, I'd be even more worried.

This would be an injustice if he wasn't actually a racist piece of shit. It's not a so called SJW attack if they are being truthful and not embellishing the facts of the situation.


Guys we triggered the faggot again.


So triggered.

So pitted.

ew. with your fucking "nah" you cretin.

Don't say "ew" you Alicia Silverstone faggot.


'SJW", Communist", "McCarthy", "faggots", "hypocrites", "Punk", "ghosts"....he's desperate just throwing random words out hoping something sticks, and none of these are even remotely descriptive of the people that are doing this. Okay, "faggots" is spot on.

No one believes none of his gigs were cancelled. He was posting shit about terrorism and asking for people to intial that crazy letter like five seconds ago so he could send it to his 'Buyers'.

And any damage control was him lying, not the people emailing lying. Keep your twitter private you massive pussy. Too bad there's video of you saying this shit. Try calling that fake. Go delete 'em buddy, they're already saved.

3 observations:

1) He thinks everyone on reddit and every SJW is white.

2) He hates "white punks"

3) He imagines himself as a black man.

"Look here, Fred, there's these people on Reddit that are called 'SJWs'... Wikipedia even talks about them. They're just a bunch of WHITE punks. They can't be blacks because we both know they don't know how to use the internet."

Joe believes that his inability to profit from ripping off other people's music is "damaging to race relations".

Ironic that a guy who defends Hitler has a problem with McCarthyism

I like how during this whole process he won't acknowledge the tweets he made calling black people niggers and saying send them back to Africa.

TIL that calling somebody out and making them accountable for their own actions and words = communism

What do the cumia brothers call a group of people who dont think about the consequences of their actions or take responsibility for said actions?

There's actually a good lesson in this for anyone who's paying attention. The way you get ahead in life and stop being a loser is by always blaming yourself when things go wrong and learning from your mistakes. I'm no hot shot wop millionaire myself, but any success I have in my life, professionally, personally or spiritually, I attribute to the fact that I've made it a practice to analyze my own behavior when things don't go the way I like. As any good therapist will tell you, you can only change yourself. Other peoples' actions are outside your control. It's a little sad that this 94 year old man hasn't figured that one out yet. You brought this on yourself you old fucks.

tl;dr I'm second next in line to be assistant manager at Burger King because I'm brutally self aware and honest about my flaws.

That's a step above "my brother did a funny OJ impression 25 years ago and got rich and gave me some money"

I'm the assistant to the assistant manager at Panera, and I hate myself!

Hi Deepack you're here too?

They're "ghosts" and most thinking adults aren't afraid of "ghosts".

Joe will use the same line as a defense when a photo of him at a KKK meeting gets leaked.

You aren't white, Joe.

Those fucking retard brothers don't even know what communism is/was.

The mental gymnastics to describe this subreddit as social justice warriors are truly impressive. Or he just has no idea what that label means.

Wait a few days then pretend he accidentally deleted you. He'll have more "moles" after he wastes hours deleting people. What an idiot :D

What a pontificating asshole.

I love how he says he's not racist, then goes on to say how he'd REALLY be upset if he was a black man.

looks like the racist tweets screenshot and video of him blaming blacks needs to be posted on these venues facebook pages with the question why do you support a person that posts these things.

I like how he thinks it's SJWs attacking him and not people just fucking with him any way they can.

No no, it's like this: we are helping to shine a spotlight on this lunatic before other people do and trying to save the "customers" of his from looking bad to the public. Disney world should be giving us a huge thanks(maybe donation to Panera Bread?) for exposing this guys hatred before the real SJWs got on it.

Wonder why he changed the "White Hendrix" band name?

"Their actions are abominable."

The show has passed everyone but this sub by.

Tsss why's he mad at snow monsters actions....did one rip off his pecka or sumptin

People must not be sending his buyers the right screen shots. And it has nothing to do with bring an sjw and more to do with getting you to react dumbass

That's what I was thinking. Those screenshots make Ant's tweets look like light-hearted jabs.

What he has done is delete all the evidence from his accounts on twitter and facebook, that is why he laughs and says for people to find it because he is sure he deleted it all.

So then when someone sends the "buyers" the saved tweets and facebook posts he can say.."Hey those must be fake because you can check my twitter and facebook and see that I never posted anything like that."

What needs to be done is to contact the people he tweeted with, specifically the ones he was racist towards, and let them know what Joe is up to and see if they wish to contact the venues and the buyers. Because they should have the tweets on their end that they sent to Joe and Joe replied to. Be mighty suspicious for Joe if they have their side of the back and forth but his is gone.

Also just contact the NAACP and black churches and Black Lives Matter and real white SJW groups in the areas his band performs in and let them know what he has said and have them contact the venues. Even if they don't get it cancelled I am sure they wouldn't mind a nice protest outside the place.

It's comical to me that he said all this stuff and was a man about it until it threatened his ability to be a wastrel and do nothing all day except pretend to be a musician and play small time gigs. Then all of a sudden he deletes all traces of his racism and tries to spin it that everyone is lying about him and he never said any of it. Way to be a man Joe. Just like your brother. Your father must have really taught you both well how to be a scumbag and run away from responsibility for your actions.

A bunch of the twitter stuff was archived on wayback machine and archive.is. You jut have to search for his twitter profile and add a * to the end and it all comes up.

7 guys? God damn. I wasn't going to join in the fun but now I have to.

Fuck this guy is a moron, McCarthy did nothing wrong.

he jusy brings race into everything huh

Can you still see his fb??

modern day Bolsheviks

When are we gonna send someone to stick an icepick in the back of Joe's head?

U2 and Journey. Two of the lamest rock bands ever to make it big. What a shock thats the bands he chose to cover.