
57  2016-03-16 by Jackatard


Is that an on set shot from "The Unfuckables"?

I like ants look here. "See? Im having fun! Im not a recluse inside a bubble of sycophants and denial. Would someone so pathetically sad and lonely as me be smiling?"

He is truly morphing into Bea Arthur.

He is truly morphing into Bea Arthur.


your phone cut out

Oops! Stupid phone.

Tsssth, why not Fruit Fly Arthur or somethin

tears of a clown hair

When he's not surrounded by Yes Men, he's not taking pictures of him surrounded by tranny cock.


Stay on topic. Stop trying to deflect for your boy Tranth


that picture on the right bottom corner is so enraging. Those beady eyes and 1998 Structure shirt don't help, either. The only thing that helps is remembering how profoundly sad he really is.

Look at Mama Leone back there bringing cannoli to the gentlemen!

You're a fucking idiot. It's clearly baked ziti.

what, no fucking ziti now?


Nana? Is that you?


Looking at this pic just took me out of my reality for a second and put me into some kind of hell-space where the horrifying reality that I spend a lot of time focusing on an old weird guy with clown hair and his boring fat older brother consumed every fiber of me. It's like Ant and Joe's argument that we're obsessive losers on this board just became true for a split second. I think about old dudes. I joke about an ugly guy with fake hair. And I'm staring at the sidebar pic where Ant's with Tyson and he's just looking at me like this as I sit here overwhelmed with embarrassment.

Why do we think about these guys? There's 301 people on right now. 301 people staring at a computer screen clicking links where people are making fun of an old guy with clown hair.

old weird guy with clown hair and his boring fat older brother

I come here for posts like this. Jesus....I hope "clown hair" catches on.

It's an assortment of oddly shaped heads

I sleep in a big bed with my wife.

Looks like a NAMBLA convention.

It is.

But none of them look like Marlon Brando.

Fred from Brooklyn looks like an albino Uncle Phil.

I for one am shocked that Fred from Brooklyn is fatter than holy hell

I'm sure those people don't fake laugh at everything granny Ant says.

"oh look, he's hitting a retard...ahh haa haa haa"

Please leave Bam's daughter out of this.

I'm sure those people don't fake laugh at everything granny Ant Granthony says.

More like Grant

"Tranny Ant"

I wonder what these cunts talk about, other than trump, blacks, and 30 year old movies

How much they don't care about what reddit is saying about them and then what reddit is currently saying about them

How to cook sunday gravey or some other goomba dago whop guinea long island italian thing... idk

Saying "gravy" when referring to pasta sauce annoys me so much. I really am an irritable fuck.

...Twitter & Reddit.

Jimmy's awesome new cartoon?

it's like an advertisement for workers compensation

Remind me why they stop what they are doing, pose, take a picture of themselves and post it on the internet. Who are they sending this to and why do they think anyone gives a shit?

What a group of losers...

What retirement home was this at?

Do u guys think anthony enjoys when joe finds out about poker night,then has to buy him in?

Awww that's so sweet!! The Long Island assisted living center's most eligible bachelors playing poker, drinking ginger ale and water, reliving the good old days back in doublya doublya 2 when they'd do the Charleston and make time with the wives and girlfriends of the men who went off and fought while they stayed home because of fallen arches. Them laughing and taking bets to see which one is going to get into the bloomers of Ester Bloomberg up on the 3rd floor now that her husband Seymour passed on. The male attendant smiling politely at the camera before making them swallow their meds and shooing them off to bed, his face crinkled slightly in disgust because he can tell by the smell that Old man Joe has shit his depends again. So adorable.

Gargoyle looking motherfuckers.

This can't be tonight, right? Shouldn't Tranth be drying out in preparation of facing a judge Thursday in connection with the two felonies and two misdemeanors he is charged with for drunkenly beating up a girl?

"Cocoon 3: Every Vagina Left Behind"

That Ray Liotta looking tranny fucker has seen better days.

Which one of those silly pedophiles put a Chia Pet on Anthony's head.

I'd rather go bowling with the dude and find out what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass.

See larry?

Its too bad Joe didn't end up like Donny

Clearly a POV from the grim reaper who is there to collect Fred as his eyes fully close after his carcass breaks Ant's poker table.

i was tempted to say there's a lot of testosterone in that room from all the alpha men, but really everyone one them probably has "low T"

I was a big fan of Anthony at one point in my life and secretly hope he somehow gets his respect back and some point. Posts like these just make me sad :(

Table of the Stars, indeed.

chipmunk-looking fella in the extra extra shmedium hoodie clearly not worried about second-hand estrogen

It looks like an alcoholics anonymous meeting except with more forced laughter and fewer good jokes.

Ant's hair.

I am Ant's hair.

Does Joe have his giant SAMCRO wallet on the table?

Looks like it! Good eye.

Good cock too! Me-ow!

THIS IS PFG…right fellas?

No male over the age of 17 should be taking selfies. Unless he's sailing solo around the world or summited mount everest and the rest of his team died on the way up. How do you even broach it at a poker game. "Hey guys, I'm almost 60, but I have such a need for attention. Even the bad kind, where trolls just rip me to shreds in public forums. Lets take a selfie, as if we're a bunch of freshmen cheerleaders having a slumber party! The only proper reply would be "Fuck you faggot, put the phone down and deal the cards"

I'm jealous of Joe's "Fear The Reaper" wallet.

Is that overstuffed with Anthony's ATM receipts, or maxxed out credit cards?

SAMBro Joe has his entire purse dumped out onto the table while another guy just has his purse on the table.

Edit: Auntie Joe also has her estrogen pills sitting right in front of her.

Maybe I'm just a druggie, but I wonder what kind of pills those are. Gotta be abusable, you don't sit your BP meds on the poker table beside your drink.

That is a good point...why would you need medication sitting in front of you at someone else's house playing poker? And if so, what kind of medication could it possibly be?

To be fair, I guess it looks like he emptied out all his pockets (including his tuff guy wallet) onto the table.

But I still wanna believe he's using 2mg Xanax as $5 chips.

Is this a screenshot from that new movie Sausage Party?


Big A looks like a Jewie Barney Gumball.

"Hey you guys lied to me, you said it was Vegas!"

Jesus Christ, all the girls I went to high school with combined didn't take half as many group selfies as these 60 year old nobody's


Ladies, can I sit here?


Which ones fag from faglyn

All of them

Bunch of fuckin creeps

You can't tell me there isn't a little gay sex going on in that "Mancave."

Btw the bald dude in bottom left looks like the pawn shop owner from Pulp Fiction with the gimp in his basement.


nope, not jealous.

aaaand of course brother horse cuck has a motorcycle gang looking Wallet

Imagine being a 16 year old gold digger walking into that.

A little yeah

Could drop this table into any small, shitty bar in small town America and they'd fit right in, even down to the blue collar, average joe, bunk political talk.

is that a bad thing?

Yes, those people are useless

Is that a TACS poker table? Ugh. I bet the winner gets to beat up Bobo.

Not nice. There's a lack of diversity in there :(

not at all. I wish them all good health and good times.

I am Ant's hair.