What's worse than wiping your ass and getting shit on your hand?

7  2016-03-15 by CharlieSheenAids

The Harry Connick Jr Show.


This just happened to me 10 min ago.... the shit on hand not the Harry Connick Jr. Show thank god

The ol' fingertip goes right through the paper and into the shit? Nothing worse than having that dollop of shit there, looking like you just swiped the bowl of brownie batter.

I was expecting a Magooby's reference. Well played, OP.

Why what's happening at Magooby's?

Some kind'a thing or something.

I was going to say listening to Opie Raqio, but I guess your answer works too.

or a TACS subscription

Being the same color as Sherrod Small

How about those 20-minute side of the ass-cheek wipes? I hate those even more.

Wet socks

Use baby wipes you animals.