This is breaking Opies heart

8  2016-03-15 by Dennyislife


Why is Justin Stangel's face imbedded in his torso.

He's Quatto.

I am Gregg's broken shells

ME: sniff I'd say I'm better looking than Harry Connick..

[Three minutes later, during completely unrelated discussion]

ME: You don't think I'm better looking than him? Than him?

Jim: uhh listen man I never said that, you're putting words in my mouth

ME: audibly crying Whatever man, I'm so over it anyways


Justin Stangel looks like Boss Nass from The Phantom Menace.

Why is his head the way that it is?

I know, right?

Will Opie take them back when the Harry Connick show is cancelled after one season?

Will Opie take them back when the Harry Connick show is cancelled after one season week?

You're right, I was being generous giving the show a whole season.

Yes he will. They wont be on air. Strictly behind the scenes.

Opie needs his (safety blanket) guys

They broke the chair, then his heart.

I still want to know why two brothers need to follow each other like lost puppies with each career move they make.

The Chuckle Brothers

Justin has more wigs than Ru Paul.

That should be meeeeeee... I should have my own talk show.... Meeeeeee... Does Harry Connick Jr know how to work a conversation to find the sweet spot?! I don't think so!

Justin has a potato for a neck and head

A portrait of SS-Standartenführer Könnick and his two favorite KZ Kapos.

I stankels make me hate jews


I'd rather it was a massive buildup of arterial plaque.

When was the last time Justin had a neck?

wow, cuz all I see is 3 faggots

I could have sworn that NBC staff already announced this was being cancelled. They seem to be taking it well.

The fucking look Conick is is absolutely revolting. That look says: "I just finished doing butt stuff with this blubber-necked bucket of goo". This is visually upsetting.

I can't wait until these assholes can't find a gig that takes both of them.

I know, right?