What's the big idea?

0  2016-03-15 by TankHankerous

As the Eagles say,"Get Over It"

Stick around for the comedy there is much more to come people.

Instead of fighting each other and the hosts lets get the machine back together again. Too much in-fighting around these parts these days. Let's make this place a bastion of fun surrounding each show. We've come too far to be turned into smithereens, let's do this thing!

Let's get together and feel alright, life is too short my friends! Let's not regret turning our proverbial backs on each other! Let's unify and make this thing better than ever before, dare I say the best! I'm talking Youtube videos, pest audio, banter, anything to bring us fans back together again.

Who's with me on this?

*Edited for posterity, let's do it like we used to fellas


There is no real in-fighting here, just a few Anthony groupies with throwaway accounts stirring up trouble.

Shut up fag.

what did people used to do here