BroJoe throwin out hundreds at the club #trump2016

46  2016-03-15 by [deleted]


It must infuriate Ant to see Joe piss his money away like that.

Hey, not so fast, we can't guarantee that wasn't "Church parking lot" money

That's an odd way to describe having sex with a gay hooker in a bathroom stall.

U don't know? That's slang for the most active of 2U Groupies - the "washroom attendant" - aka a homosexual drifter who can be found in the porta-johns & shitters of 2U venues, where band members do mouth stuff with said hobo.


Listen to how full of himself this fucking prick sounds.

Pretty bad when your ego is bigger than the international rock star you're pretending to be.

He's bragging about tipping (so low rent) yet he still had to be drunk for it to happen. Yeah it's excessive but no one is impressed about throwing away 100 fucking dollars. I wonder if he'll make this somehow about his white pride even though bragging about yo benjamins is the most niggerific thing ever. Oh! Yep, he did.

A 60 year old with such low self esteem that he feels the need to brag about generosity on social media.

It is low rent. Everything about him is.

A little off topic but "Liberal Punishment" is exactly what it comes down to for Trump supporters below 80 IQ.

That and hating minorities.

There are legit reasons for supporting Trump, then you've got retards like SAMBO Joe.

i tipped a washroom attendant $100 back last night

I gave part of my allowance to someone because I didn't work for it. I beg my baby brother for 60k a year and get it for doing nothing. I am a walking contradiction. Someone please fill my ass and mouth with yummy man parts" - Joe Cumia

Ant really gives joe 60k a year

Damn, he must've had a buzz. $100 to the washroom attendant. This guy is big time.

This is gonna be a legendary rock n roll story retold on vh1 for years to come

Ozzy Osbourne, Keith Richards, Joe Cumia

Anyone know where the douchechilly video is of this shithead proud of himself for paying some sort of penalty with a bag full of crushed up one dollar bills?

There was also a facebook post of him drying cash on the radiator because it was getting musty

He is such an N-person.

The best part is at the end when that clever trickster Joe says to the camera, "Perfectly legal, folks." and gives a triumphant smirk.

That's the one! It's even worse the second time. I hope they told him to fuck off and come back with a money order.


Good to see he's voting for all the right reasons.

He's too ignorant to realize that Trump is punishing his own party more than the Liberals.

Both him & his brother think America is full of Italian-American broadcasters whose biggest issue in their life is getting called "racist" when they call black people "savages" everyday.

I hope Trump becomes president but that BroJoe gets thrown in The Stocks or the slammer anyway for being a fucking retard.

Every public comment he makes is addressing his racism lol.

He retweeted a suggestion to move to (the Russian facebook) to escape the tyranny of twitter's crippling censorship.

It's so amusing to me how these low-information hicks look towards Russian things (and Putin) with nostalgia like it's some kind of throwback to American golden age of 50's values. Worst of all, the idea that VK is somehow a free-speech alternative to twitter gives me a chuckle every time.

Disclosure: Soviet kid here.

Didn't that Snowden fella went to China thinking the China men will bat for him

Snowden who is against the US spying on its on citizens and other countries and also made statements decrying homophobia and discrimination in the Evil United States is a guest of the Russian Government who spies relentlessly on its own people, murders journalists and politicians who speak out against Putin, jail protesters and disappear them to secret prisons and has made homosexuality illegal.

That Ed Snowden....great guy. No hypocrisy there.

I think it's cool for him to tell us some government employees are laughing at our dick pix, but the enemy's enemy is friend thing is just gay as fuck, terrible judgement

I was at a topless bar in Detroit years ago, and I tipped the bathroom attendant because I was afraid for my life.

President Trump will take care of those twitter liberals on day one in office.

I'm trying to figure out if he's actually dumb enough to think that, or just so bad at getting his point across that whatever his actual thought was just got lost between his brain and his phone.

The Monopoly game at the compound is now short $100.

Joe failed to mention that it was $100 in "Cumia Bucks" good only at the TACS Store.

The irony is that washroom attendant is worth more than Joe.

He gave David Dinkins $100?

This should've got more love.

Thank you. This sub is too young to get that joke.

Actually, so am I, now that I think about it.

I am too, I have a lot of random memories of Imus, Grant or WFAN talk driving around with my dad as a kid.


Tranthony must fume when he reads that...SAMBro Joe probably isn't tipping with Almost Journey or 2U money.

wow...white trash edge is a generous guy

Heck, even the bartender got a hundred just for keeping the ice cold.

What, he's bragging that he's not racist because he gave a black guy a lot of money? Someone help me here, I'm genuinely trying to understand.

That, and he is pointing out the crushing irony of both the SJWs and the racists (he isnt one!) saying he only did it cause of white guilt!!!1

he's a smart fella

same thing as not being an asshole by throwing a $20 at a homeless guy after you step on his food.

It works in Crusader Kings II.

Pretty bold considering that's half of his weekly allowance

The bartender got $100 just for keeping the ice cubes cold

He thinks political correctness will go away when Trump is president? How does he think he'll do that? If anything, PC will be worse cuz liberals will be furious.

Trump will make it illegal for racist or threatening tweets to have consequences. I guarantee you they hold obama responsible for creating a world where you lose your job for harassing and threatening a black woman

I'm guessing the thinking is that if an extremely un PC guy wins the POTUS, it will show that PC/SJWness is a failed tactic and will fade away.

Guess the reverse of that is if a black guy was elected president then Ant & Joe's racism would fade away.

Oh boy

There's always going to be pissy eyed faggots and racists. I mean more from a societal level, like the news would stop reporting that some celebrity made a racist joke, because it would seem absurd to pretend like anyone gives a shit after covering President Trumps latest speech.

Do you think Anthony had to slap his slow little brother's hand for tipping the wrong bill

And then buy him a new guitar strap to cheer him up when he cried

how do you live with yourself when you're bragging to strangers on twitter.

you pretend to be a rock star and biker gang member

I heard he paid a repairman $100 "just to take the clikin' out of the phone."


Ant and Joe are dumb wops.

Trump voters are uneducated poor and middle class whites who hate their life. Meanwhile, they continually ruin their own lives with their bad habits and child rearing skills. They see Trump as their savior as minorities saw Obama in '08 and '12. Anger and yelling isn't public policy. The GOP could repeal Obamacare if they nominated a candidate who wasn't toxic.

Enjoy a Hillary presidency, guys -- and I really hope it doesn't happen.

It's amazing to see what's happened to the GOP. They had eight years to find a likable candidate, and they blew it. There is so much anti-Obama rhetoric in this country, it should have been easy for a republican candidate to win. If Trump hadn't come out of nowhere, Rubio and Cruz were the best they could come up with?

I would kill for a W Bush, McCain or Romney this time around.

I'm pulling for Trump just mainly to see how those idiots who called Bush, McCain and Romney "Nazis, Racists and Sexists" feel now.

Ballin outta control


Hey maaaaaaaaann, start using It has 7 layer encryption and they have tons of anime porn. yuuuuuuck

I wonder if Anth knows he spends his allowance money so frivolously.

It's the Brother Joe and Cousin Dave Show!

If you're a heterosexual white male, how can you actually admit publicly that you don't support Trump?

I would just be so ashamed and embarrassed to admit being that much of a cuckold.

Do you understand that Muslim men migrating to western countries brag about how we are infertile and they are coming to breed with our women and have Muslim children?

And when someone wants to put a stop to that, you cry "He's a wacist! He's hitler! AmeriKKKa! Boo hoo"

Why? Because the edgy Rage Against the Machine lyrics tell you it's cool to think that way?

I mean by all means, don't support Trump, but for fuck's sake, keep it secret. Have a little fucking dignity and self respect.

Lol it's hilarious to see people being sucked in by Trump. HE IS SAYING SHIT YOU WANT TO HEAR YOU FUCKING DUMMIES. Go ahead and vote for a reality show star, and watch the democrats easily win the presidency again. Hahahahhaha

Trump supporters are being attacked at rallies and Trump himself was recently rushed on stage by a leftist who tweeted that he wanted to "martyr" himself. Yeah it's all a big scam. If a man isn't ashamed to be white, he has to be lying, because everyone's a cuck like you.

because everyone's a cuck like you.

Yuck, enough with this awful buzzword. For as much as you right-wingers bitch about identity politics, you sure love to talk about being white a lot. Acting like the guy who rushed the stage represents the left, would be like me saying the Trump supporters who attacked the protestors represent the right. You sound like a paranoid dope when you talk about "Muslim men inpregnating white women". What's wrong? Is your significant other losing interest in your white penis?

Why are any of you assholes bringing politics into this? Can't we just shit on Joe for being the douche he is without making it about Trump?


Muslim men do brag about coming to inpregnate white women, and they mock our weakness and low birth rates. Do you think I just made that up?

If you support that, you are a cuckold by definition.

Who is saying this? Members of ISIS? I don't much care about what they have to say. Maybe you have video or an article to link to back up your statement here. Why do you care about the opinions of people a part of some silly religion? I will never understand this white pride nonsense. You were born white out of sheer chance, it means absolutely nothing.

Good point on the race/ethnicity and how nobody can control what they were born as. I've used this point on why I don't have some raging patriotism or even feel proud of being American. That's not something I earned, in fact I couldn't have done less to be an American. I was just born here. Once people mentally grow up they start to lose these ridiculous notions of pride in shit they can't control. And the fact so many people are still religious, patriotic, etc shows just how many people have little to no advanced mental development.

Who the fuck said anything about being proud of themselves for their ethnicity, you dumb fuck?

White Europeans, however, are AWESOME. You would not want to live in a world without white people. White European culture is objectively, measurably the best culture in the world. Don't give me shit about "colonialism". That's like getting mad at a boxer for winning a match. Everyone was competing for resources and whites won. It's not that whites were just evil bullies picking on other races.

You like freedom of speech? You like separation of church and state? You like women's sufferage and equal rights? You have white people to thank. You're welcome, liberal cunt. White people fought and died by the tens of thousands to end slavery, while Africans and Arabs continued the slave trade. You are fucking welcome faggot.

Ooh but the edgy George Carlin bit said white people are bad, boo hoo

Die cuck faggot

Lol somebody got into a Milo Yianopplios YouTube loop.

"Who the fuck said anything about being proud of themselves for their ethnicity, you dumb fuck?"

Followed by a paragraph about why we should be proud of white people. You're amazing.

Where did I say we should be proud that we were born white like it's an accomplishment? I said white people should be preserved. Nobody has accomplished anything simply by being born white, but this anti-white attitude from the left is suicidal. When countries are majority white, the quality of life and civil rights are higher than when a country is minority white. This is an observable fact.

If you don't have an argument and are just going to weasel out of everything I say, then why engage me in the first place? Just shut the fuck up and go watch interracial cuck porn.

You can't stay away from that word can you? What does any of this shit have to do with Donald Trump? Any kind anti-immigration/anti-muslim rhetoric he uses is simply to manipulate the conservative voting base. He has literally called himself "basically a liberal". He is playing you and many others like a fiddle. Keep it up though, and enjoy Hillary as your next president.

That doesn't make sense. If anti-Islamic rhetoric is just empty bullshit, then how could it be effective in manipulating the voting base? Why are conservatives concerned about Islam if Islam is no threat?

Have you even looked into this? Anti-Muslim sentiment is not unfounded paranoia. Based on polls, a significant portion of Muslims support terrorism and sharia law in western countries. For example:

Pew Research (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified. 35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall). 42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall). 22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall). 29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).

More stats here if you have the integrity to think outside of what is fashionable:

Stop thinking you're the lone free thinker and conservatives are sheep. From the looks of it you are the one mindlessly eating up the media's narrative of Muslims as harmless, noble savages being unduly maligned by white bigots.


When did I imply that Islam isn't a dangerous ideaology? Not that it matters, but I'm an Athiest. Stop thinking that everyone who disagrees with you must be a card carrying liberal. If you can't see that Trump is simply saying anything to get elected, I can't help you.

Wow, you've inferred a whole lot of shit. Incorrectly btw. I'll only do this once:

One. My comment was highlighting a particular part of cakehornigga's comment that I found refreshing to hear - because I don't hear it often. Actually I was not even referencing you, otherwise I would've addressed you personally.

Two. I'm not liberal. I'm not even fond of bullshit political trappings that tend divide people into my team vs the other team.

Three. Where am I being anti-white? That's your inference, again.

Four. Have you ever gone back and reread your own comments? They sound like the mindless ramblings of Kurt Metzger.


Yeah, it's "insecure" to have self respect and not bend over and apologetically grab your ankles to appease a culture of people who hate you, mock you and celebrate your extinction. You're a pathetic cuckold. Please don't reproduce, not that any woman would let a spineless pussy like you cum inside her.


Don't cucks like it when their woman gets fucked? Seems that way over at /r/cuckold

Do you live in Iran? Whether your answer is yes or no, do you want to live in Iran?


Your question didn't make sense. I assumed you were white. You not being white doesn't change my stance on Muslims.

Do you want to live in Iran, towelhead, or do you prefer the comfort and civility that a majority white country provides?


Trump will make it illegal for racist or threatening tweets to have consequences. I guarantee you they hold obama responsible for creating a world where you lose your job for harassing and threatening a black woman


I'm guessing the thinking is that if an extremely un PC guy wins the POTUS, it will show that PC/SJWness is a failed tactic and will fade away.

You can't stay away from that word can you? What does any of this shit have to do with Donald Trump? Any kind anti-immigration/anti-muslim rhetoric he uses is simply to manipulate the conservative voting base. He has literally called himself "basically a liberal". He is playing you and many others like a fiddle. Keep it up though, and enjoy Hillary as your next president.

Wow, you've inferred a whole lot of shit. Incorrectly btw. I'll only do this once:

One. My comment was highlighting a particular part of cakehornigga's comment that I found refreshing to hear - because I don't hear it often. Actually I was not even referencing you, otherwise I would've addressed you personally.

Two. I'm not liberal. I'm not even fond of bullshit political trappings that tend divide people into my team vs the other team.

Three. Where am I being anti-white? That's your inference, again.

Four. Have you ever gone back and reread your own comments? They sound like the mindless ramblings of Kurt Metzger.