O&A+J Fan Fic: "I made a mistake."

18  2016-03-15 by [deleted]

Lying awake staring at the ceiling for yet another hour, the balding radio jock’s mind wanders again to a better time when the world knew him as a funny host. “I made a mistake. I made a mistake,” he moans aloud to a man - an equal - he can now only see in his dreams. Meanwhile, a swarthy misogynist drifts into an alcohol stupor while bathed in the television’s glow; he too slurs those words: “I made a mistake. I made a mistake.” Across the country, an emaciated, middle-aged man walks off the stage to the waning din of polite applause. As his star fades, sleep will again become a stranger when, with a mouth full of shame, he mutters to himself, “I made a mistake. I made a mistake.” Then, like the distant whistle of an oncoming train, echoes faintly ... "you know what, dude?"

To be continued.


That's some cool shit. I was all like "man, what happens next!" and you hit it with the "to be continued" tag? I know what me and the homies are reading tonight dog

What's that sound? Oh, it's your option contract being printed by our lawyers. You Sir are going to be a star.

I hope part 2 comes soon. I can't edge all night.

Part Two:

Another man's child. A healing bruise. An unpaid tranny whore. These fragments of the past stand out like gin blossoms on the white parchment of a wino's face. Fond memories of better times surface as if silt atop roiling waters when Ronnie B. speaks to me. Never more, boys, never more.

Solid cut, Rey Ordonez.

YOu're a good writer, it's so realistic. Soon this sub will just be commenting on and making photoshop posts about your imaginary characters.

Alternate ending?

Good writing

Does this story end with Ant being spit roasted by two trannies? Because that's how it should end.