These arguments between Trump supporters and Bernie supporters are some of the most entertaining examples of autism you'll find outside of this sub [3:20]

0  2016-03-14 by Ant_Sucks


American Politics has turned into uneducated morons yelling at stupid idiots repeating bullshit little "facts" they've learned from tv personalities.

It's not about reaching a consensus or trying to actually solve problems, it's just trying to seem as if you're intelligent.

It's hasn't turned into that, that's what it was created to be. President was an honorary title that none of the founding fathers wanted. Fuck it, make Washington President, that dipshit doesn't know or care what we do.

It's not about reaching a consensus or trying to actually solve problems, it's just trying to seem as if you're intelligent.

Anthony needs to update his resume with this.

"Wow, we had a productive, respective conversation yelling at each other from a crowd of other people who were screaming the same partisan talking points over us." --No one, ever.



Not to mention any semblance of civility and nuance has completely gone by the wayside.

Hahaha you absolutely retarded faggot, our politics is not about consensus, nor a straight democracy, as our country is a (look this phrase up since you have no clue) constitutional republic.


Holy fuck, politics makes everyone on both sides fucking retarded. I wish this video had ended with FrunkisOA driving over everyone in his Panera Bread truck, leaving a pancake in his wake.

That man's balding mullet is putrid to look at.

Lol lenin was capitalist.

We need another 9/11

There's one every year in September.

Fawwwkin /u/Ant_Sucks killing it for us today!

uhheheh vurry good

People really shouldn't even try to have intellectual discussions of any magnitude in that setting, you just look like an autist and your points aren't even made.

Over 300 million people in that great country of yours, and these are the best candidates to hold the highest office in the world?

I think selecting the president should be the same as jury duty. The results would be the same, but it would be a helluva lot cheaper.

You don't know how jury duty works either.




There's one every year in September.
