There are already 3 new TACS uploaders on KAT

21  2016-03-13 by Steven_Zinger



Mothergoose58 has been exposed as a huge faggot, of the gay variety.

That faggot acted like he was the only one with the knowledge to rip tacs

I loved his holier than thou rant from his torrent comment section pedestal

So obvious he was just hoping and praying Trant would see it and give him the 'You're a Good Egg, Goose' pat-on-the-back attaboy.

Or in other words, a huge faggot of the gay variety.

haha yea, what a delusional retard. I bet he played out a scenario in his mind where Tranth invited him to the compound for being such a noble pirate.

such a noble pirate.





[ 🎶 that's Fonzie 🎶 ]

Is anyone uploading LOS? That's really the only show I'd care to pirate.



I thought no one here listened? The level of obsession is insane.

Only if ronnie b is on or he's ranting about Opie. Or it's his first show after domestic violence charges.

Be cool

[ 🎶 that's Fonzie 🎶 ]

Stop posting pictures of me on social media

For a bunch of people who constantly hate on TACN and Ant. Going so far as to try an get their sponsors to drop them and have their streaming provider drop them as well. It really baffles me that any of you would want to watch any of the shows. I thought you hated Anthony and anybody associated with him or his network. Fucking hypocrites.

The sub is collection of people we have varying opinions you cunt

Blow it out your ass, the majority of you weak cunts make up this shit as you go along and over half of you are despicable human beings with your mock SJW campaigns to fuck with people's personal lives. You're not fans, that's for sure. Your argument dies (when in the same thread) you talk about downloading shows instead of coughing up a few dollars to support the shows you supposedly like. You sir are the cunt you self righteous prick. Do the world a favor and remember to cut along the vein, not across it. EWWW.. what are ya gonna do now? Downvote me.. what a laughable bunch of faggot hypocrites MOST of you are.

Yup downvote you I will do now kill yourself

Shut up you worthless piece of shit.

Why the fuck are you in this forum if you hate it so much? Go suck Anthonys cock somewhere else faggot.

Hey hey hey, be cool.


[ 🎶 that's Fonze 🎶 ]

Encouraging people to destroy someone's career...hmmm who does that sound like? Ohhhh right, your buddy Anthony. Where were you when Derosa was getting shredded on iTunes? Or maybe we can talk about how he used this sub to trash his former radio partner of 20+ years? You calling somebody self-righteous after posting this is hilarious. If you don't like it here, stop reading.


This is the worst pro wrestling promo ever.

What's your opinion on me? I'm pretty much the Fonze of this sub.

" hey Mr C, where's Joanie. Aaaaaay! "

[ 🎶 that's Fonze 🎶 ]


"remember to cut along the vein, not across it. EWWW.. what are ya gonna do now? Downvote me."

why would you say something this gay?

A theory comes to mind...


People want to know it will be available when Anthony does more dumb shit or his old friends show up to shake their head at him

I think about 5 people would actually waste their time downloading that pile of shit show.

If anything, it's attitudes/fanboy faggotry like this that ended up turning the hate towards Anthony.

The sub is collection of people we have varying opinions you cunt

People want to know it will be available when Anthony does more dumb shit or his old friends show up to shake their head at him

I think about 5 people would actually waste their time downloading that pile of shit show.

If anything, it's attitudes/fanboy faggotry like this that ended up turning the hate towards Anthony.