Snowflake offended when request to incinerate steak isn't accommodated.

93  2016-03-13 by ryanasimov


Hanging out with Jim must be an exhausting experience. Since he doesn't drink or do drugs, all you can do with the fucking guy is go out to eat like a couple of geriatric faggots. And it's clear that Jim just bitches and complains about every little thing that goes wrong when he goes to a restaurant, so it's gotta just be miserable all around.


You'll never believe what happened. I went to this restaurant and they were handing out twenty dollar bills. BUT THEY WERE THE CRINKLY ONES!

Must be why he's unmarried and pays for tricks.

Business is good.

I've honestly never heard anyone bitch more than Jimmy does about every experience they have while their out.

He is an angry, whiny little worm. This is what he does as a Z list celebrity - can you imagine if he gained any notoriety?

He's an entitled cunt who's never worked a real job a day in his life. Especially a service industry job. Jim doesn't care it's all about him. He doesn't realize there's any number of issues that could have made the service bad. However instead of calmy addressing it with a more than likely reasonably staff he goes on Twitter and bitches like a little baby. I'd give anything to watch Jim Norton serve tables for a busy week. He'd crack in less than a day no doubt. He's allowed to have bad days but not the people waiting on him.

You hit the nail on the head. I wrote a similar post before reading your post. You can tell he has never spent 1 day in the service industry.

I will NEVER give him or anything he's associated with one solitary fucking penny.

About a month ago someone I knew went to the Norton show in the area. They texted me afterward, trying to make me jealous about an after party. All I could think was "you're beyond being a drunken shitshow right now, and he doesn't drink. You sent messages during the show about how it wasn't funny. I'm sure you'll get along swimmingly"

And you know if you want to be a normal person and have a few drinks he will be sneering at you all evening.

I remember him saying ruthschris was great like 5 times on the air

He should really have a drink or two and chill out.


So, he went to one of their chain restaurants and maybe got a bad waiter/waitress and he's tweeting about the whole chain. What if someone went to one of his shows and didn't like the performance and wrote an article about how comedy is dead?

So, he went to one of their chain restaurants and maybe got a bad waiter/waitress and he's tweeting about the whole chain.

That's exactly what happened. Such a thin-skinned baby boy.

If you're going to a fucking chain restaurant expecting three michelin star service you need your hat removed. God damn it Jimmy you really are insufferable.

How did he ever have the nerve to call someone else "baby boy"?


You were the guy he called baby boy. Admit it.

cause he thought of it first which then inspired hundreds of fans to start saying it and it turned back on him

you're not wrong. Jimmy is a dunderhead

you need your hat removed.

Jim should try this new hat removal service. I heard it's a 5 star experience.

I don't think anyone behind that piece of dogshit cartoon has any right to complain about anything. He could be given a root canal with a rusty spoon sans laughing gas and not have a right to complain about it.


2016-03-13 03:34 UTC

The @RuthsChris in Grand Rapids. Snotty maitre'd and the manager had the personality of the Manchurian Candidate.

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So the manager was the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being you've ever known in your life?

Jimmy is such a fucking idiot.

"The Manchurian candidate" - what a hip, timely reference. And he wonders why no one under 50 gives a shit about him.

Anthony Bourdain said in his book to never go to a restaurant on a Sunday, as that's usually when the top chefs and waiters have their day off, and when they try to sell off the last of the meat they prepped on Friday. Also, they use the about to go out of date steak for customers who order well-done as they can't tell the difference anyway.

He should have read it.

Yesterday was saturday


what was his issue with the restaurant? he eats like a bird, so McDonalds would be a gourmet meal to him.

Don't they know who he is? He's a big deal in the animation world.

🐍 " who am I? That's the $64,389 question.

Oh no guys its the fuchitive!


Fuck you, that's my name. You wanna know why, pal? Because you made a 20 dollar steak to serve here, I made a 64 thousand dollar cartoon.

Norton: You see this cartoon? You see this cartoon? Waiter: Yeah. Norton: That cartoon cost more than your car. I stole $64,138 last month. How much you make?

They must have held firm to their no faggots allowed policy.

They wouldn't let him in with his ozzy shirt.

AWWWWWWWWWWWW baby booooyyyyy?

Whatsa matta baby boyyyy?

goochie goochie goo!

He's such an entitled little wiener

He really has turned into an unfunny uppity cunt.

Yeah he's a real downer.

The Ruth Chris in my town requires a coat. Guarenteed Jimmy walks in there wearing his best black Ozzy Tshirt and the hostess looked and treated him like the Jersey trash he is.

i beg the different, it was either a ironMike, UFC, Tapout or PrideFC shirt he was wearing

You must live in a hobo town then if they have that requirement.

Like a sports jacket? I can go to the one around here, but they 100% won't let you in with a button down/collared shirt.

Sport coat, blazer, etc.

Sounds like someone wasn't warned there's evaporated alcohol in his meal.

"Your burger was a few feet away from an empty wine bottle." "TAKE IT BACK YOU FUCKING SCUMBAGS. I WANT TO SEE YOUR MANAGER."


Thats one way to spend a free $61k.

What exactly does Jim think he's accomplishing with tweets like this?

If you don't like the steak, move on. Why bother tweeting about it? Besides, James's anorexic non-nutrition getting ass wouldn't know a good steak if it hit him in the fucking face.

"Is there any sugar in this steak?"

Jim "Has this steak been cooked in rum?" Norton

Perhaps he could make a subreddit about it.

Ironically he's into chicks named Ruth who are really a Chris.

I feel like that could have been a good burn if you worded it differently.

Oh, wait, this is the O&A sub, that was way too nice.


ha ha ha wow I've never been downvote attacked like that before.

I stand by my opinion. Could have worded it better.

Sounds like some one is a little pissed off he didn't meet his begging goal.

probably wanted them to serve him a virgin penne a la vodka

Aww, is Baby Boy whining about not getting a special experience at a fucking chain restaurant?

Jesus christ, Jim. Get the Yelp app and eat something that isn't replicated in every major city in the country.

"You're going to Grand Rapids? You HAVE to try their Ruth Chris'! It's to die for!!!"

They have a 4/5 on yelp. Not saying Ruth's Chris is shit but yelp is. They offer restaurants to buy reviews and if they don't they will write bad ones.

What a faggot. Go eat some rubber from your Saturn's tires you worthless creep.

Does he really drive a Saturn?

The Saturn has been called "the car for people who don't like cars". Maybe he thought Ruth's Chris was the steakhouse for people who don't like steak.

I don't know what he has now, but back in the day he used to drive a Saturn while he was cruising for hookers. He drove it well into the early XM days when he would have no excuse for such a cheap piece of shit.

At least a few years ago he had a BMW. Oooh

Like any normal Asian woman in America who doesn't know how to drive. They have all flocked to BMWs for some reason.

And he once had the Cadillac that CQ said looks like a Camry.

He had a BMW at one point and he didn't know what kind of engine was in it. As in he didn't even know how many cylinders it had. It also had the manumatic paddle shifter things on the steering wheel, and jimmy mentioned he wanted those paddles "removed," as if that makes any sense.

Jimmy is as beta as you can possibly be.

I got my car used and it has those paddles, most pointless fucking thing ever. All the convenience of a manual with the gas mileage an performance of an automatic!

I feel it's appropriate to repost this, one of my favorites from this subreddit:

"Did you touch this bread?"

"What? No. I'm drinking. I'm not gonna eat a sponge."

"When they brought the bread, did they touch it? It looks touched. It's stacked like this."

"I don't know. It's here. A hand was probably involved with it at some point."

"Was it like this when you got here?"

"I don't know."

"You didn't see? You didn't look up and say thank you when they brought it?"

"I don't know what happened. I was reading my racing form. I don't monitor bread."

"...I can't eat this. I can't eat anything here."

"Jesus fucking Christ."

"Is this how you are now when you drink?"

"What, sick of your shit? That's not a now thing. It's fifty years. Ten thousand times, 'Did you touch this? Did that guy?' Who gives a fuck? Your stomach is full of deadly acid. It can deal with a fucking fingerprint. 'The tablecloth looks weird in my water. I think it's baby oil.' You're fuckin' gone, Jimmy. Lost in your shit."

"...I think you have a problem."

That's some seriously good writing.

If only the Chip Chipperson show were that compelling.

No, that's hipster faggotry.

What is this? I can't even tell from the original link. It's weird, but I like it. Love to see the rest.

Diana Ross doesn't complain about the service industry as much as Jim Norton does.

Consumer/Diva Jimmy complaining again. We should all tweet our bad experiences with Hot-Can soup. Make sure to drop Jimmy's name.


I just realized he's making that stupid face because its the "Mouthful of Shame tour" and he has a "mouthful of shame" does someone as funny as him not realize how unfunny and stupid his retarded schtick is?

Maybe if he put on a smart jacket instead of dressing like the bad guy in a 1980's teen movie, he might get treated by the wait staff with more respect. What kind of shitdick tweets about a bad dining experience.

If you're bitching about some company and you @mention them in your tweet you're just a passive aggressive cunt. What do you want them to say: "@JimNorton We're sorry your experience wasn't up to our usually high standard. Please accept these vouchers to come around and suck our dicks sometime

Seriously, what a whiny fucking piece of shit.

Acting all high and mighty on his fucking twitter when you know damn well he didn't say shit when this 'tragedy' occured.

It's instances like this where Jim just proves why he deserves to be called a worm.

He was the pudgy loser in high school with the Sabbath shirt on that everybody would've been afraid of had Columbine taken place earlier and now he's this 'big star' who thinks that not only does he deserve some kind of special treatment, he also wields this power that he can use to hurt these businesses.

Nobody gives a fuck about his phony twitter outrage, it's embarrasing and childish.

This fucking asshole is no better than all the retards in a Facebook feed. Open ended, vague complaints or rants about specific people or events with no details so no one knows what the fuck you are talking about. If you got something to say, fucking say it, don't be this dramatic about it or try to solicit the "what happened man?" Response from everyone. Reeks of desperation and attention seeking. This is the behavior of holes.

Your cartoon stinks.

It can't be as bad as Norton's.

It's Ruth's Chris... the place is a step above Outback. What did he expect?

Well, I mean, it's not exactly the St. Elmo Steakhouse but it's not terrible.

"Jim Norton, Steak House Diva!"

Hey when the next Trey Parker a d heir to Walter Disney wants summtin (tss tss) you better do it or he will show you!

i fucking hate James Norton. Hack phony. no talent zilch, go suck a weiner under a porch. all he does is complain.

I bet if you were woth CK, Burr or Schumes u woulda had better service. lol.

clipped wing norton.


What was more enraging this or his gym not having large sized smoothie cups?

fuckin shitty, derivative pseudo-intellectual....

you're a dick & fart comic; NOT a prime GEORGE CARLIN....stop w/ constant forced "social critiques"

Someone needs to let Jimmy know that his Twitter was hacked by a lonely sissy.

I fucking hate his stupid Twitter picture.

"excuse me! waiter! I specifically asked not to be seated next to anyone drinking wine, I'm a recovering addict for fucks sake!"

I can find a clip of jim and the gang plus Louie CK enjoying some breakfast from Ruthschris

I guess they stink, and he doesn't like them.

better watch out, that's "slander"

To quote a movie Jim was in,

"Hey I resent that. Slander is spoken. When it's print it's libel."

Awwwwwww, princess jimmy didnt get what he wanted :( luckily twitter exists so the whole world can know about it and feel sorry for little princess jimmy

He's about an hour away!

I'm going to watch the Red Wings instead.

He should've gone to the Friar's Club and got a "spicy" steak with Grandma Whatley.

Seems like Jimmy's jealous of our endless beating of Ant. So guess what?

He probably asked for ketchup for his well done filet mignon.


They close at 10pm on Saturday here. Jim's set ended just before 9:30. Guessing they were not accommodating his desire to eat their food. They're the main restaurant in the hotel that he was staying in and we're in the middle of a city-wide comedy festival that he was performing at.

How infuriating are those Mouthful of Shame tour pics of him. Ughhh cringe

That's a guy who has never worked at a restaurant, kitchen or in food service growing up. I worked at pizzareias and independent coffeehouse and would never pull the shit he does. Fucking entitled baby boy.

He's worked some shit jobs pre standup, so you'd think he'd have some perspective. I worked in a warehouse and bused tables as a teenager, so I rarely bust any working schlub's balls unless it's something extreme.

Didn't he bash a baseball player or actor that didn't take a photo with him/give autograph because he was at a no autograph/photos allowed event so then he decides to stalk him into the bathroom?

He has to be a chore to be around.

Probably why every woman, in the end, chose not to be.

What the fuck is a Ruth's Chris?

" Fuck this I'm gonna go get my second gun and shoot everybody "

Jim Norton ordering at a restaurant with 3 trannies....


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Boo fucking hoo.

" Just wait til the internet hears about this!" Angrily starts typing. That'll teach'em.

I can't tell whether he thinks that Ruth Chris knows who he is and will be shaken up or if he actually thinks he has enough influence over his twitter followers and peers that they'll too share the same lowly opinion of the steakhouse now.

Should have went to Steak and Shake and had a couple of nice chopped steak sandwiches.

Jimmy is utterly oblivious about how his Twitter complaints are EXACTLY what he complains about when he rips into celebrities about entitlement.

They probably:

  • Didn't know who he was, even after he told them a couple of times
  • Didn't fawn over him and treat him like a priceless diamond

The queen mother Sir Jimmington can not handle this


Around 9:30 Opie refers to himself as Jim's friend! All's well!

Presumably jim had a server problem, complained to the matre d and then the manager, none of whom accommodated him to his satisfaction. Does anyone for a second believe that Jim wasn't egregiously in the wrong if three successively higher positioned people in a corporate chain didnt kiss his ass? Their whole fucking job is to just placate assholes so they come back.


2016-03-13 03:21:01 UTC

By the way, @RuthsChris stinks as a chain. Unaccommodating, rotten snots. It's a steakhouse you idiots, not the Copa in 1950. The worst

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i don't understand his reference at all. was i reading anthony's twitter? i guess from this thread he complained about getting a raw steak or something?

mundane garbage, but somehow i have nothing better going on right now than to care about it, eagerly awaiting Rich Vos's show at Magooby's March 17th-19th.

I wonder if he's referring to the ruthphhs christhphh ssssteakhouse right by fifppthhhh pppthhhird bank?

dvv nose flipping when tssing

Oh no guys its the fuchitive!


"Your burger was a few feet away from an empty wine bottle." "TAKE IT BACK YOU FUCKING SCUMBAGS. I WANT TO SEE YOUR MANAGER."

They have a 4/5 on yelp. Not saying Ruth's Chris is shit but yelp is. They offer restaurants to buy reviews and if they don't they will write bad ones.
