4 hacks will takeover the Comedy Store tonight!

0  2016-03-13 by KingTutsstache


Are we still pretending Rogan is a stand-up comic?

What a boring conversion.

The guy who he's talking with is Onnit owner Aubrey Marcus, or, the Warrior Poet as he nicknamed himself...

His name is chris, he started calling himself aubry when he and rogan began the 'supplement' company

Dolla dolla bill y'all!

Yeah, that bit made me physically ill. Pictures of Unit 731 experiments are less uncomfortable than his attempt at dude-bro humor.


Say what you want about Maron, but I can't believe he's not above doing shows with Yakov Smirnoff at this point. I think I'd rather get kicked in the cock than sit through this show.

How dare you sir, Yakov Smirnoff is a national treasure. Branson would be nothing without him.

Yakov Smirnoff is a national treasure

Yeah but that nation collapsed more than two decades ago. "Was a country!"

That red commie bastard has sure done well in America though. Googled him and it said his net worth is about 20 million.

Come to America, make shitty jokes comparing Soviet Union to USA and become a millionaire. What a country! In Soviet Union jokes tell you!!! In Soviet Union Toilets flush you! Now give me my 20 million dollars! What a country!!!

That's because he's literally hypnotized Missouri into handing him over money for subpar entertainment

Shoji Tabuchi would dispute that.

You're just fucking envious of the magnetic trays they have.

I was unaware Yakov Smirnoff leaves Branson.

I'd be on your side if you didn't use the word "hack" like you're some kinda stand-up Comic Book Guy. Fucking goober.

You're actually more Comic Book Guy in this scenario.

How? I didnt make a random post calling well established comedians "hacks".

Oh so you hump a couple stools and make dolla dolla bills y'all ATM jokes and your considered a hack? Try Alpha Brain and then you might understand the jokes that JR is yelling at you.

Innnn Americaaaaa, you tell stupid hack jokes for laughs. Innnn Russsssia, stupid hackk jokes telllll yooouuu.

Does Joe just intimidate people into letting him on stage? Because I've never laughed at anything he has ever said.

I attempted to watch that Theo Vonn guys special on Netflix. Fuck it was awful. I made it about seven minutes in.

I am so sick of the white guy doing the black voice routine.

That red commie bastard has sure done well in America though. Googled him and it said his net worth is about 20 million.

Come to America, make shitty jokes comparing Soviet Union to USA and become a millionaire. What a country! In Soviet Union jokes tell you!!! In Soviet Union Toilets flush you! Now give me my 20 million dollars! What a country!!!