Hold on, people really don't think I started the Panera thing on here?.. I did though..

0  2016-03-13 by [deleted]



Shut up, faggot. No one gets credit here for anything.


"I brought the word 'Panera' ironically to the internet. Give me my creative payments."

only a troll or a retard would make a post like this, i can only assume the latter. a tard wouldn't be smart enough for a self-deprecating joke

edit possibly a "troll" trolling as a troll, but who's really retarded in the end? Yes, the person "fake" acting retarded.

Also i'm retarded for giving a shit. i need to buy a gun

No shit. I mean, I'm the first to accuse Amy of joke thievery, but you don't see me bringing it up a few times trying to get some recognition......notice meeeeee!

I do the BaldOpie stuff, your welcome.

Hoo, hoo, Robin. I invented Panera bread. Everyone rippin' meeee off.

Yes Ant's show is on some special and secret hard to get medium. No other person would have mentioned Ant trying to dox someone, except for the times before and after your nothing post.

You didn't start shit, stupid faggot.

Who are you?... Ah yes another 13 day old account

Lol what a faggot.

A second thread dedicated to how you came up with an idea... WE GET IT!

This is some seriously juvenile attention seeking.

You are officially the biggest faggot on this subreddit.

Yeah well I started the taking pictures of black hookers so I started everything.

Yeah, the same way Al Gore started the internet

You need to start going outside again if this is the type of shit you're posting on the internet. Myself included.

Even if this is a joke burner post this sucks.


Why is it so important to get credit for something quite so stupid?