Anthony finally took a break from social media and went on vacation.

71  2016-03-12 by CigarsNCrotch


We're two guys.

We're two guys who rub peckahs in the night.

Was it libel or slander when Ant ruined this guys career

haha Seriously. I have not been following this whole saga, but from what I gathered some people busted his balls and he flipped his shit, which is a sure sign of guilt. I think it's pretty hypocritical when he's done far worse to other jocks and celebrities over the years.

He did it for entertainment purposes. Thats why its okay for him to do it, but we're out of line for exposing his affinity for tranny-dick.

Wow, if you remember that's exactly what he bashed Jim Philips, Maxwell, and similar for. Instead of "taking the hit" and goofing on himself and the situation, he got defensive.

We're two guys who think that age of just a suggestion

decent abs on his boyfriend

We're two guys who think Donald Trump is just saying what's been on everyone's minds!


Anthony's been hanging out with John Mark Karr too often. (timely reference)

ME: Somebody out there got it.

Too old.

That bitch is like 30. What.

she's 12 but getting railed 30 times a day by random strangers and drinking & smoking all the time adds some age to the face.


I am laughing so hard right now that I cannot breathe.

Well you'd better take a moment to catch yourself. We don't need you getting exhausted.

Loved that the original caption to the John picture was "John parties all night with "the ladies""

Actual quotations put on there by the John and Jeff staff.
