The remaining Tranthony fan gays are the worst, how about getting with the program? Why don't you jump on the team and come on in for the big win?

1  2016-03-12 by HerpesLipStrangler

I respect them in the same way I respect the band playing on the sinking Titanic. The only difference is, they want dat big juicy wop peckah. Try the Sue Lightening approach it seems to work alright.


No kidding, right? These fools are missing a big check mark... right next to a big empty box called REALITY! (they need a reality check)

what is the big win exactly?

Trant's suicide.

Whether you hate them or love them if it wasn't for Ant, Jim and Opie this sub would be a very boring place.


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Sue Lightening, what are you gonna do, take the weather to court. Tsssssss

Still agree with his politics, and views and it's a voice I'm used to listening to. Why hate and stop watching the show when I can hate and still watch it and enjoy it?