What has mascara smeared knuckles, wine stained teeth and old asian lady hair?

0  2016-03-12 by ValleyChippah

I have no clue...but Rich Vos will be at Magooby's close to Baltimore March 17th-19th. Then the NA convention in Santa Clara, CA March 26. Also don't forget about the latest Unmasked with guest Bonnie "sweet ass" McFarlane.


You fucker!!! You got me hook, line and sinker with this one!!!

Ronnie B is really wasting his time with the wife of Rich Vos? Has he run out of people to talk to?

I miss Fez.

I miss Fez too. It's coming up on a year since he retired. I wonder how he's doing.

He had another heart attack a few months ago and earlier this week I think Ron said Fez hates Trump.

That makes what--5 heart attacks now? Poor Fezzie.

Is there any part of Fez's heart left alive? Doesn't part of the heart die every time someone has a heart attack? How the fuck is the Big Cat still walking?

I should have paid attention in biology class.

I like Bonnie