Libel. Slander. Whatever it is watch out for the Slanderman.

222  2016-03-12 by cbanks420lol


Wow, this is /r/creepy material.

Heheh, I upvoted that when it was posted 8 months ago.

He really is a creepy motherfucker ain't he? I'm going to laugh when he hypothetically gets busted for child porn.


Sidebar the fuck out of this pic please.

Yes yes yes! Let's get some fresh content in there!

This is one of the best photoshops I've seen here

You're welcome.

I love this sub.

I hope it ends up like the Kursk.

This is your mother.

That's mumsy all right.

I forgot who made that pic, but here's why it's relevant again.


2016-03-12 04:00 UTC

Slander doesn’t suit you.

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I made the picture before your account was even created you shitbird.

awwww snap

no I did gold please thank you

you're obtuse like a Belgian

" what did you call me? "

Let's fight! 💪🏿

It looks like a shaft in "dark mode"

" solitary, a month "

[ " this is my life! " ]


This is terrifying, that face on that body

I know, I was almost too escared to finish it.


but it is worth it for the gold

This is one of the best all time works in here

My pleasure.


That is grotesque

Edit: make it a sidebar please

For that to be an authentic Slanderman picture he should have had an Ipad or laptop in his hand to lure the little kiddie closer.

or his giant pekka head

God damnit, that is fucking funny. You ass holes are the funniest lot on the web. thanks for everything!

Why can't I stop looking at it? It's fucking haunting! Bravo.

I really can't take the credit

The thumb....

we need to rank photoshops thread, this one is quality lol everytime

Couldn't help but reading this like the 60's Spider-Man theme.

this was too good to use only the one time.. eh carl? hahaha

Slenderman, Slenderman,

All the children try to run

Slenderman, Slenderman,

To him its part of the fun

Slenderman, Slenderman,

Dressed in denim head to toe

Slenderman, Slenderman,

Ladies and Gentleman, it's the Anthony and Dani show

That girl is way too old for Anthony.

This is a thing of true horror.

I'm a SLANDER-man!

Heheh, I upvoted that when it was posted 8 months ago.


awwww snap

" what did you call me? "