"It's not show business, it's bullying" Colin Quinn on Anthony

9  2016-03-11 by ABoyNamedSueLightnin


Yeah, thats smart. Spray Windex into someone's eyes. That's not a problem at all.

:( Poor bobo. I never saw this whole thing before its actually really kind of sad. Micro concussing him with a mop handle for getting too drunk. I mean they were all drunk right? He went too far and think he felt bad. How about all the grinning yes-men? Lol. Anyone wanna suggest he let the handicap guy out of the Muy Thai clinch?

TRIGGER WARNING: Skip to 1:30 if you're a faggot

What the hell happened to Anthony's face?

That Times Square Tranny he was trying to pick up two fourth of Julys ago tuned him up.

What is the context of Colin saying that? Colin sounded legitimately sincere.

What is the context of Colin saying that?

Um, Tranthony beating on a man who's mentally retarded?

Was that what Colin was referring to? Bobi took many verbal beatings on the air.

That CQ (praise be his name) quote may have been about something else, but let's face it, name one Bobo appearance that wouldn't count as bullying.

I love how scrawny Ant looks. Bobo could have killed him if he wanted. No Muscle Mass Anthony.

Fuck Bobo, dumb fucking retard should off himself.

Was that what Colin was referring to? Bobi took many verbal beatings on the air.