Opster pissing off a unfunny jew

18  2016-03-11 by cuntbudday


To give Opie some credit shit like this is what I originally liked about him. His ability to say brutally honest things to peoples faces with no regard to their feelings made for some entertaining cringe humor. The sad thing is he probably doesn't realize what his own strengths are and is more interested in 'reinventing himself'.

OPIE's only OUTLET for HUMOR is being MEAN. It is all HE is GOOD at!!

SAM is the SAME WAY!!! They have to BULLY someone to be as close as they can get to FUNNY.


I hate to agree. Fuck Gregg Hughes

Yeah Opie doing/saying mean shit and making everyone cringe and feel awkward was his strong point for sure. Especially hanging up on people. I enjoyed that probably way more than I should. Especially that one dude who was crying or whatever talking about how the show helped him through tough times.

The hanging up bit Opie did was hilarious. I typically side with this sub when it comes to how awful he is, but that's one bit I loved. It just made everything feel awkward in a comedic way, and Opie would time the hang ups perfectly. I'll give him some credit.

opie hangs up on kristin bell - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srotWriigew

Holy shit that is brilliant

What the fuck is happening? Opie made me laugh and I really dislike Ant. If Bobo starts his own successful business I'm just gonna end it.

"You can buy real estate with no money, yes that's ryght, NO MONEY down, awright? If I can do it, then you can too, awright?"


he..he's a schnewwdle awright

Bobo what kind of building is that? Its a duplex alright?


That's now shit-tier Judy sheckels is. She's a piece of garbage unfunny hack

There was a small window where I thought I'd like to fuck Judy Gold. It seems to be shut now.


I'd like to crawl inside of her and use her ovaries like a yarmulke.

I just imagined a young man running up to a high council of haters with evidence Opie can be funny.

The elders listen, look at each other solemnly, then shoot the man in the face.

The tape is then tossed into a ceremonial raging fire that symbolizes this sub.

I haven't worked out if they wear robes or not.

You stink and i dont like you

ok buddy boy, thats a valid point

Did ya? What else did you imagine?

what your fat dick looks like

Credit where credit's due. This was pretty funny.

"Don't leave me alone with her!"

"That is so mean!"

They have the same level of humor as my parents.

You think you'll be hip in your mid-50s?



The entire ROAST was BAD, but GOLD was AWFUL.

In terms of awfulness, her spot still pales in comparison with this dude's.

Hamana hamana Ed Norton

When you said un funny jew why did i immediately think of the stangels?

because he leaned on those guys HEAVY


to Opie fans this is funny, the rodent genuinely can't hold a conversation with a person, any person, so the infant panics and says the first thing that comes into his mind.

hur hur, im edgy as fuck!

If the opster didnt do all this shockjockery they wouldnt be half as popular you know friend be more glad not more sad alot

She's even uglier than her voice on radio would suggest

Genuinely funny

Opie has perfected that fake stretched-out wheeze in his laugh to help pad the show

She looks like Milton in drag.

I don't mind Judy.

ive never seen her standup but she seems like she could hang with the boys on tough crowd, better than eliza scheldigner or any of the "im so hawt" comics.



Does that mean we're back to hating Opie?


Im gonna be limp for a week


2016-03-09 23:28 UTC

Me and the fab @JewdyGold !

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this week on wewe or jew, it's Judy Gold!

opie appreciation thread

wow judy is uglier than i ever imagined. she literally has NOTHING going for her. how sad.