Jimmy is doing another pilot

10  2016-03-11 by Dennyislife

Starts filming later this month. Even less time to go visit Ant


He doesn't get it. The zenith of his career was "angry Jimmy" when he first joined o&a. That was the reason he was invited on the show to begin with.it's literally been a slow descent into mediocrity ever since.

All of these idiots have the same problem, their fucking egos.

Jimmy: was hilarious as angry fat outcast jimmy. Now he has 180 reversed into a skinny, political and pontificating nice guy who thinks he's a celebrity comedy icon, but everything he touches turns to shit. He's the King Midas of feces.

Anthony: was awesome; relatable and funny as "everyman" Anthony, the tin knocker who won the lottery. Humble, grateful, just riding that roller coaster. He was on-par with his listeners, and knew it. Now he's also 180'd into the polar opposite of what was so relatable to begin with; he's a pseudo celeb hundreds of thousands-aire who is convinced he is better than every living being on earth, ESPECIALLY his listeners, who are basically his mortal enemies at this point.

Opie: well, whatever.


New Nice Professional Jimmy is a bore.

Le New Nice Jimmy "Man"

He peaked with "he stinks, and I don't like him."

Poor Opie, I'm sure he really worked hard for his radio career. He has a delusional personality that lets people shit on him. Maybe if he ever took the hit. people wouldn't shit on him. "Jesus Christ, just take the fucken hit"

It's super unpopular to say but I honestly think he's the least horrid of the bunch right now. I mean, I'll never listen to his morning coffee chat but at least he was always the same unfunny cunt he is today.

Opie will finally be liked by this subreddit.

He really should just stick to being a mediocre road comic. All of his creations outside of that have been total flops. The reason he is successful at all is because people more famous and talented than him have thrown him a bone throughout his entire career. Just stick to what you know Jim, worms don't get to hatch into butterflies, they just stay worms until they die.

What a brutal comment, and it wasn't even hateful.

Just a wake up kick-in-the-teeth. Every word is poetry.

My sides.

Got a nigga. Ribs hurtin today

Tss Is it the Iceman or Goose? Fawk


It won't get picked up. His oily suck up nature and rapid eye blinking will be too much for anyone to stomach for more than a couple minutes at a time. Hearing him speak isn't so bad but seeing him in large doses is disturbing and sickening for audiences.

It's the hope that kills him.


is the jim and ant show dream still kept alive?

I loved him in "Sin City", he played a great evil villain.

Hope this pilot still gives him time to persue his Chip Chipperson cartoon. Look how crazy the people went for it (& all the cool perks)! Ends in 2 days


I'm sure it's filming from 4-6pm too. What a busy man.

Is he going to write it this time, or just shit it out like the last one?

Jimmy's projects are bad.

Malaysia Airlines has a better track record with pilots than Jim.

If it's another goddamn talk show I'm going to be disappointed but not that surprised.

It's an hour long show where Jim sits across a table blinking at a celebrity

And by celebrity you mean Dana White?

sounds more like he's going to be talking about a different issue a week with man on the street interviews etc. Apparently he's too white to have a talkshow

Is he doing it as Jim or a character?

Is that the excuse the VICE people gave him?

Another project that will never see the light of day. If Jim had any self awareness he would realize he stinks as an actor. Instead he makes up lame excuses in his mind why a project failed.


Can you bet in vegas on odds of its success?


It's super unpopular to say but I honestly think he's the least horrid of the bunch right now. I mean, I'll never listen to his morning coffee chat but at least he was always the same unfunny cunt he is today.

Le New Nice Jimmy "Man"