I mean, I like Ant..

49  2016-03-11 by boring_oneliner

but what is he doing?


Would you like an iPad?

Laughing at this ineffectual sub, surrounded by the rest of his alpha-male clique.

Stroking his totally unaltered, full, Solomonesque hair/

He is being the mad king.

King Vibrating Thumbs IV

Slowly turning into the Yellow King.

keith is going to have to turn kingslayer.

Did he give Jerry Seinfeld's car a push start or something?


This comment infuriated me to no end...


He came up with a crazy quasi illegal radio bit. You know, the type of stuff that made O&A famous. He seems to have walked it back a bit but it should be interesting to see how it plays out.

Challenging a bunch of people who have too much free time on their hands to fuck up the last remaining unfucked parts of his life, ignoring the collateral damage it has on his inner circle.

a.k.a. being one dumb motherfucker.

I Believe that he's uncovered his lost family heritage, an ancient art passed down secretly through the generations. You can see this antiquated tradition expose itself (Ant's thumbs in the Doxxing vid) and now that he's discovered this dormant skill, he needs only to return to his ancestral home, to complete his training...in the back alleys of Tunisia.

It's been a bad couple of years for Anthony.

Everyone likes Ant and they wish him the best, but he hasn't satisfied levels of expectations for his show,and he proudly exclaims otherwise, and quite frankly it rubs people the wrong way.

I don't care for this kind of language, sir.

Quite frankly I don't give a damn.

I say!!!

I wish he would toss his whole network (I haven't liked a single other show on it), find some other way to make his base income, and just do a regular podcast from his living room like Bill Burr. Ant's a funny guy; talk into a mic. What else do you need? Blue screens, studios, all this bullshit. Get back to basics; a guy and a microphone. That's what made him great since minute one. Right now he's Batman & Robin; he needs to be Batman Begins. Ant needs a Chris Nolan re-boot.

Couldn't disagree more.

nod sagely

I enjoyed this clip so much I actually downloaded the youtube video and had it on my iTunes for a while. Colin calling Anthony a back-alley tunisian knife fighter is one of my favorite lines ever.

a corsican pimp


I wish you guys would let up before you kill the guy, you guys won. He is having a nervous breakdown and everyone is piling on the fire. that thumb twitch......

all he has to do is admit his entire political outlook is unequivocally wrong and everyone will love him again

Let's be honest with ourselves, there's nothing these people could say or do to change how we feel about them because we've all come to hate certain core aspects of who they are.

if Anthony just once spoke up about the portrayal of women in alte night comedy, i'd be all his again

you're an easy lay

That's the dumbest thing I've seen on here yet.

Threatening to fight back after months of harassment from this sub towards himself, his family, & friends.

But yeah, you guys are heroes. Gaymer Gate 4 Lyfe!

What in the fuck are you talking about? Until Anthony went off the deepend this sub loved him.

I don't ever hear Opie trying to fight back against this sub and the shit he got was far worse.

You think there can be a ceasefire? Like if Ant came here and released his sub numbers and did some other groveling type shit do you think the sub would let up?

You like Anthony? (Not Ant because that is just fucking stupid) I listened to O&A for a decade and Anthony is a funny old racist with a 90 IQ. He's also an ignorant, racist pedophile with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. There is nothing to like and I hope the next time he touches a gun its illegal and he ends up in the Negros Only, Big and Tall wing of Sing Sing correctional.

This comment infuriated me to no end...


a corsican pimp

Let's be honest with ourselves, there's nothing these people could say or do to change how we feel about them because we've all come to hate certain core aspects of who they are.

That's the dumbest thing I've seen on here yet.

I say!!!

you're an easy lay