If Bobby Kelly is in love with Bailey Jay what's wrong with Anthony wanting some of that tranny action?

0  2016-03-11 by WastedWasted12

Also Bonnie Mcfarlane's book You're Better Than Me is available on Amazon. $10.99 for the kindle version and $10.08 for paperback which is kind of odd.


No one cares he is into a tranny. How he responded is why people are pissed. Also before you check out be sure to look at "Women Aren't Funny", its only $9.99!

Bobby sucked dick for Steak, being in love with a tranny only adds to his hetero status.

Cumia loves underage ass so much, he is willing to switch sexual orientation to indulge. At this stage, I wouldnt be surprised if his next lover/victim is a woman of color. He has forsaken his principles when it comes to his uncontrollable lust for consuming unripe fruit!!!

For shame Anthony!!

The people here don't mind loving trannies, they mind the dishonesty of loying about it.

Also $20 to see Rich Vos the 17th-19th at Magooby's in Baltimore.

There's nothing wrong with it whatsoever, but clearly he expected some 'teasing', which is why he must have told her to delete photos. I think that was a shitty thing to do.

He claims in another post here that they're friends. Ok, but why would you want to hide the fact that you're friends with someone?

Not a damn thing! My problem is the denial and subsequent actions here on reddit. When Lil' Jimmy wasn't busy making awful cartoons, he loved a good woman with a penis and no one begrudged him. It's more Anthony just being a cunt. That with Opie & Jim's show being so tame and Anthony's show being so bad, the forum just fucking hates everybody. Not saying the forum's wrong, especially considering this is the most entertained I've been by anything Opie OR Anthony related in years.

Trannies are degenerate garbage with untreated mental illnesses.