Hey Joe, I'm 6'9" 275lbs. wield a 17 inch long peckah AND work part time at Panera Breadâ„¢ whats up?

1  2016-03-11 by HerpesLipStrangler


You guard those artisan rolls with your LIFE, maggot!!!

Too slow for college ball, huh?

Probably just too white for college ball.

MetroCentre location reporting for duty.

how old are ya?

were you recently released from prison and Panera Bread were the only ones who'd hire ya?

Yeah but whose 17 inch peckah you wieldin' you monsta cocksucka tss tss

If you also have tits and pigtails you can swing by the compound. That's what's up.

Joe: Alright big guy, swing by [gives Address of Long Island bath house] - if you DARE!!!!