Jim is busy every day between 4 and 6pm. Does Ant really believe him?

40  2016-03-10 by Dennyislife


Yes, Ant does believe him. I've explained this before. Jimmy is a 5 star General Worm. He has the highest worm security clearance. He has wormed all over the world and earned his stripes. When he worms, people listen. If he loses his worm status, it's all over for him.

If Ant even thought for a second that Jimmy was avoiding him he'd tear him to pieces. He'd burn that bridge faster than the retreating Germans in Budapest

Jimmy is a 5 star General Worm. He has the highest worm security clearance.

for some reason I read this in Patrice's voice.

Tsss...yeah what is that a humane rat catcher or sumpthin

If Ant even thought for a second that Jimmy was avoiding him he'd tear him to pieces. He'd burn that bridge faster than the retreating Germans in Budapest.

I'm not sure. I think Ant still holds Jimmy in very high esteem. Throughout all this, I bet he still thinks, "Well, at least I still have Jimmy on my side." I think it would crush him to find out that he's avoiding him. Not sure how he would react to that.

This is true, he's giving Norton the early Opie and Burr treatment where he doesn't want to admit there's anything really wrong. Jimmy mentioned the he has off the last bit of March, and wants to redo the Skanks then. So if we don't see an appearance by then, Jimmy's done with being buddy buddy with Anthony.

I bet Jimmy gave him a "you got to clean yourself up" type talks he loves during that dinner they supposedly had a few weeks ago.

He's the "Sgt. Barnes" of worms. The Flexible Fundin' Keeeeeid.

"Whatdya savin' up to be.....JEWISH?"

What's weird is that these scheduling issues didn't exist prior to the domestic violence charges (against one of Jimmy's friends, who is the daughter of another one of his friends). Bet it's the only time Jimmy's trainer had available at the gym.

I'm guessing Jim is busy with "Avoiding a pedophile who beat up my buddy's daughter" in that timeslot. Just Ant's luck.

The NYC studio will change everything.

Are you implying that the coveted NYC studio was a massive failure in what it was set out to do?

I love thinking about the $ Ant spent for that lease that he'll never get back...

That fucking NYC studio sure got Jim on alot more. Where is the TACS board ballwashers?

oh thats right...

Maybe beating up his friends daughter has alot to do with this.

That fucking NYC studio sure got Jim on alot more. Where is the TACS board ballwashers?

They are washing each others balls, all 250 of them, over at TACN now and bashing us and their former mods. And what is sad is that judging by what they say, not even all of them are paid subscribers.

The NYC studio improved the quality of show guests for approximately one week.

I love the Nick Dipaolo, but is it any coincidence that besides him and Bob Levy tier guys, no one will go to Ant's show. Nick has burned his bridges already, we all and he knows this. But no Jimmy? No Colin? No Vos? Bonnie doesnt want to promote her book? Bobby came once and immidiately went into intervention mode. No newer younger guests like Soder, Metzger, List, Normand.

I mean im sure all of those guys just have scheduling conflicts between 4-6. But they still show up to Big Jays show at 9-10 at night. Because comedians usually play gigs in the afternoon and dick around at night.

lol Jim would rather watch tranny porn and edge for two hours than go on his awful fucking show

In fairness, Jim would rather watch tranny porn and edge for two hours than go to a KISS concert.

Ant must know that's why Jimmy cancelled last time. Like always he needs to not let his Twitter followers know for fear of cancellation. Jim is not returning to TACS.

What does Jim do between 4-6pm?

Anything to stay away from TACS


Nothing. He's boring as sin, outside of being hilarious on Radio.

Obsessively refresh his Indiegogo campaign page.

Oh god, this reads like a guy that thinks his girlfriend will come back to him soon after a breakup.

Poor Ant (not really, though).

Don't do it Jim, move on.

Just wait until Ant gets those new light fixtures installed. The good guests will start pouring in.

Will that new lighting make him look less gray?

How many times has Jimmy been on...6 times maybe? The two of them going back and forth is the only thing that was funny about OandA. Other than the 2 Greggshells shows, I have zero reason to check out TACS.

Even if Jimmy does actually stop by soon, who cares at this point? I have lost all respect for all 3 of these elderly cunts because of the way they have acted the last year or so. I used to want Jimmy to ditch Tit and join Anthony full time. At this point I don't even think I would watch that. It's over Johnny.

This guy Jimmy...Norton... He keeps dodging me, Keith.

"He will be doing my show very soon. Ok?"

Of course it isn't ok, sponge face.

Ant's delusional if he thinks Jimmy just has scheduling conflicts...at the least he could do a 10-15 minute call-in. And even that hasn't happened.

Yeah makes sense Jimmy is always busy in just those hours everyday that Anthony is on. He did LOS the other day though didn't he? So he freed up time for them and he frees up time for his advice show but somehow he can't quite make it work in that 2 hour window. Hmmmm that's a bit odd.

Here's a thought for Anthony, it's your network so find a time when Jimmy is available and do a special episode at that time, shift programming around to fit him in.

Or find a time when Jimmy is available and do a taped segment with him. You can even announce it ahead of time and remind your 4 listeners to call in at the time of the taping to ask Jimmy questions.

Jimmy killed for us on Race Wars.

Hes busy writing scripts for the HILARIOUS Chip cartoon. Jokes like thouse dont write themselves.


Jimmy has the open invite ... right?

Why would he do Legion of Skanks but not Ant unless there was a conflict as far as time. Keep reaching peckahheads.

Every day between 4 to 6 since December he's been busy. Every. What a busy little bee Jimmy is these days.


2016-03-10 19:32:24 UTC

He will be. There are schedule issues between 4-6pm. He will be doing my show very soon. Ok? twitter.com

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