For all of you pseudo-anonymous shitbirds who think you're not doing anything illegal, here.

0  2016-03-10 by internetcreep


I get the impression you have no idea how to interpret what you linked.

This is a sovereign subreddit

Your American laws don't apply here in Uganda. It's illegal not to make fun of the Cumias here. I'll go to jail if I miss my quota this month.

Are you Joseph Kony?

They're not doing any of the things listed.

If two or more persons conspire to "injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate".

They're literally ringing up places, and reporting what people have put out there on public forums. Nobody is threatening, or blackmailing (other than Anthony, and Joe - both violence, and doxxing of peoples personal information)


Here is the relevant portion, dumbed down for you retards. The key word is conspire.

If two or more persons conspire to ... oppress ... or intimidate ... any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, among other things. You are criminals, and deserve the full weight of American justice pressing down on you, flattening you into something resembling Naan bread or some other thin, doughy food.

On Twitter where Joe says he will pay someone to retrieve personal information of the "Redditards" so he can go assault them, is that covered under this law?

Of course not! Why would logic be implemented into this defense at all and don't forget Ants threat to dox and tell on people at their jobs that they've been up to NAUGHTY NAUGHTY things. Seems like he right to..."Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, among other things."

Two wrongs don't make a right, dumbfuck.

Also, Reddit is only allowing me to post every 10 minutes, so let me just conclude by saying eat a dick. All of you, eat a dick or two. You use throwaway accounts because you're cowards, and harass successful people because you're unhappy twenty-somethings (mostly, from what I've gathered) still living at home (again, a common theme, from my research).

Thank you, and goodnight.

So you are saying that we shouldn't stoop down to Joe and Trants level. Got it. Thanks for the guidance. I'm glad someone cares about us.

It would probably frighten you how some degenerate such as myself could work for State, in ongoing nuclear weapons treaty negotiations with four Muslim countries, and still find time to goof on these two retards during my workday. Some folks on here are far more successful than Ant and most are way more intelligent. Peckas.

Aw please don't go, we were just getting to know you

flattening you into something resembling Naan bread or some other thin, doughy food.

how about a delicious Panera flatbread? That thin enough?!/menu/category/164

I'm surprised you know what Naan is! I imaged your type would just call it Asian nigger bread

Does that mean if I call you a fucking moron, I'm a criminal because I made you sad, and trampled on your 'right to pursue happiness'?

What privilege has been taken away? Not his free speech. Joe can still stand on any street corner and say the n-word all he wants. If one of his "buyers" doesn't want him saying it at their music venue that's their right to refuse him.

I don't disagree with much of your sentiment, but the toddler-like generality you've assigned to that piece of US code would have it apply to any two people who do anything that affects someone in any way.

I see us more as a social advocacy group wanting to raise awareness about the wop menace permeating my once beautiful long Island.

You're fucking retarded.


Lawyer here. You don't know what you're talking about.

How many litres of tears and cum are on your Cumia action figures right now?

Be more funny!

Saying I should be flattened into Naan bread has effected my pursuit of happiness, expect a call from my lawyer.

Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are not in the constitution dumbass. They are in the Declaration of Independence to explain why revolution was taking place.

None of that is happening. Contacting Anthony's advertisers, or buyers for brother Joe's band isn't illegal. Otherwise I've just made fun of them.



You should send this to Joe

Good luck getting around the first amendment.

The first amendment doesn't give you the right to conspire to deprive others of their constitutional and other rights. This could all be cleared up very nicely if any of you could fucking read.

You don't have a 'constitutional right' to play the Epcot center.

It was actually in the first draft, proposed and championed by Edmund Randolph. It protected cover-bands in all theme parks and associated arenas, but Benjamin Franklin caught him watching cuck porn and he was sent home in disgrace.

What constitutional right are we depriving? Please explain this. Also, please explain how every person who runs or supports PETA or any other organization isn't locked in federal prison right now.

Nothing that's being done here is illegal, Joe.

What rights do you think we are depriving the retarded alcoholic Cumia family of?

I was only following orders

This is going give those two loons new life. I can already see what kind of all-nighter the Cumia brothers will be having tonight:


Did you post this when we were going after Opie and Derosa too?

Conspiring to make fun of the Cumia family line does not violate any of their rights.

Fuck off, retard. Your fake law degree is as worthless as your fake high school diploma.

Rich Vos will be playing the Hartford Funny Bone on March 31st - April 3rd.

Who gives a fuck if it's illegal?

I was expecting a Chip or Vos roll.

Are you saying we should kidnap the Cumias? I have to draw the line somewhere

I'm literally just talking shit. I've done nothing otherwise

Good job buddy.

You are going down. You are going down to Chinatown.

Nice job hanging on to an alt for 5 years just to waste it on this shitpost

I prefer funky town

Just don't park on the dance floor.

Im on Long Island so technically that would be going Uptown.

Good job finding Ant & Joe some ammo for closing down the sub and posting it right here for them to find.