Lootcrate has responded to them sponsoring The Anthony Cumia Show

157  2016-03-10 by cbanks420lol


"Dani from lootcrate" uh oh

That explains why my lootcrate is a box full of methadone every month.

Haha full of methadone every month haha

We really need ant the repeater back

And ribs

She wants the dick

So what's his next move? Buy her an iPad or stomp on her hand like it was the end of a Jewish wedding?

Why not both? ¯\(ツ)

Por que no los dos?

pro wrestling-level swerve

Ignore the typos and the fact that I didn't know what lootcrate was until yesterday.

you are doing god's work sir...

I would contact deepdiscount.com but they're a scam site so they probably don't care. I'll do it anyways.


I smell RICO charges soon.

This language in their affiliate agreement should make it worthwhile:

Your website and e-mails do not promote, advocate, facilitate or otherwise include any of the following: (i) hate speech or material that discriminates on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation; ... (iii) violence or profanity; (iv) pornographic, obscene, sexually explicit or related content; (v) material that defames, abuses, is libelous, is tortuous or threatens physical harm to others; (vi) material that displays any telephone numbers, street addresses, last names, URLs, e-mail addresses, any confidential information or any other personally identifiable information of any third person...

Vurry good. I'm on it.

damn, cbanks is like a one man army of tranthony smashing. why don't you send out some more funny yet hateful tweets? that could be fun

holy shit, they can just copy-paste this block of text, add "we are terminating our relationship because we found everything in this list:" and be done with it.

"deep discount" is when you let a tranny fuck you so you can save money on no-name brand hair activator.

I might give it a try then.


I used to run an online business.

If you really want to have an impact, call up his ISP or his credit card processor.

That would be completely evil, and I sure as hell wouldn't do it, but when I had my biz, those are the two things that would have completely derailed my biz.

Say "biz" more.

Omg look how many times he wrote the word "I".

I know, a braggart AND a narcissist.

You are a king.

You missed the opportunity to close out with "Love you, love your box."

As much as I love Lootcrate what the fuck were they doing as a sponsor here in the first place? Maybe during Anth's Runescape days but not now.

Ants favorite quest was the one where you dress up the boy prince of al kharid like a girl

are we really talking about runescape on the oanda subreddit lol


. . . . . . .


its a wild sub

there was a sweet counterstrike reference the other day and i tried a megami tensei gag that bombed hard.


Y'all niggas old.

Because Lootcrate doesn't turn down anybody, I hear them sponsored on like a million shows.

Then why did The Chip Chipperson Show get turned down? Explain that one, genius.

because it reeeally sucks


He plays EVE online, doesn't he? That's like the biggest nerd MMO out there.

i wonder if he's planning ahead by spending time on Prison Architect or The Escapists

that would be a scary shower for ant

I bet that was Ant's main place to groom

Runescape days?

Dani from lootcrate.


Ahahahha " you can't affect my professional life" ok

Hahahahahah. I expect (if he already hasn't) Keith will be in touch with a certain dick-cream conglomorate any time now.


Are you all in, brothaman?

LOVE the loot crate.

I hate the Drake.

Some of the photo shops on this sub leave me howling.

I come here for a taste... Just a taste.

To be honest wit ya

Baby hits. Door dinging Rogan's car.


Part that made me laugh: influencers/affiliates

Only thing Anthony "fast thumbs" Cumia has influenced is a generation of egyptians to want to learn the ancient and deadly art of knife fighting

That had me fucking wheezing XD

I've literally just been sitting here all day, enjoying the "Panera incident" thinking of new names for Ol' Dementia thumbs.

I think I'm finally....happy.

hahah, Yes

is that why DeRosa and trant are no longer talking? I bet that shoulder-less Egyptian hippy, probably did not want to be initiated in the arts of knife fighting. at least not by a Tunisian.

Ol twiddles

I'm starting to get the impression you guys are unreasonable


Ant really could've handled this whole thing better. I'm genuinely afraid we'll push him to suicide at this point.

Which is why I want to openly say, for the record, please don't do that Ant. Seriously.

I couldn't live with the erection.

Dani? Are you fucking kidding me?

Just checked the /r/lootcrate subreddit. It's legit.

This sub is like one of those soap operas that ant used to love


An anagram for try Poe.

Go ahead



I make Master Po noises when I clean my house.

For the record I am against this. I don't like to see people lose their job/sponsors for shit they say. That is sjw tattle tale bullshit. YES i know ant started this with threatening to dox people so maybe he's getting what he deserves but it feels wrong. That is all


It's just pure hypocrisy, and the weirdest part about it is that Ant has seen how the fans do this for years, and when it starts to happen to him he just exactly the same thing.

I agree.




Also, Kenny looks like a bird.

Sam looks bored.

He is bored when there is no shit for him to stir up, I would imagine.

Can't affect his career. Sure.



This is getting ugly, lol.

Another SJW move that this is sub is proud off, #fuckingfagots

Saint on earth I'd join in but I'm afraid they'll get wise to us. Not that were doing anything wrong just helping a company out with their image. :)

I need to make it clear what I did was completely independent from this subreddit. I'm disgusted by this man so I feel like it's my duty to alert his sponsors to this completely public information. I take full responsibility.

I think the evidence you gave speaks for itself. Even though you really sounded like a SJW, this is the same type of thing Anthony threatened.

Sounding like a SJW is the point. I can't reach out to companies and say "drop this fucking faggot". It's a 'You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar' type of thing.

And you can open more flies with sticky fingers than stingy ones.


Yeah that too.


Being a SJW is kinda fun I can see now why they do it

It's also similar to fucking other men. Incredibly faggy no matter the person.


and how phony they are

That too

So basically you love playing a fagot right? You seem to be very good at it.

you are supposed to sound like an SJW if you want companies to listen to you, unfortunately

Exactly! It's pretty shitty but still very true

I'm starting to not hate you. keep up the good work.

Thanks man.

sooo doxxed, bro


damn this is evil lol

This is the time to apply more pressure to Lootcrate. The more people that complain the better.

you guys are the best. god, i'm heating up.

This is all so vindictive and wonderful.

Such fucking losers.

This sub has turn to shit now. Fucking unbelievable.

Lootcrate ... not your mom's box!

You guys are a bunch of quays

You fucking losers have hit an all time low!!!

OP is a fag

If the show was dying you wouldn't need to do this.

It is and needs to be put down in a mercy killing.

If it was you wouldn't need to contact sponsors. They'd be leaving on their own.

Nuts.com did already, but anthonycumia.com refused to take it down as a listed sponsor until we prodded Nuts to force them to do it. Nice try tho.

Yeah but you're emailing Lootcrate.

And Nuts.com didn't leave because of show content. It left because of his charges from the incident with Dani.

Nice try tho.

The incident with Dani is part of the whole spectacle. It's an extension of TACS fueled by xanax and bud light.

It's ok to enjoy a paywall podcast, but you have to admit it's a sinking ship.

How is it a sinking ship?

Sponsors dropping off, Jim won't go on it, he can't get any good guests, his case didn't get dropped, people are posting proof they cancelled because of his recent freakout, ect.

I see any lack of guests. In fact, this last month had some of the best guests yet.

I don't see the majority of sponsors going anywhere, even if they do they're not the main product stream and the show can survive without them.

Who are you trying to convince? It's hemorrhaging money and has no potential to grow. Do you realistically think it will gain more subscribers than it loses?

With the shows the network is adding? Yes, I believe it is gaining subscribers.

LOS is dropping out in June to start their own network so I feel like it evens out.

That's pure speculation on your part. I doubt they will leave a profitable network with a reliable fan base and other shows to a brand new network with no revenue stream. Even if they did leave I can see there still being a partnership remaining. The LOS guys have not disowned Ant, hell Luis was just on his show.

I'm not even speculating or messing with you. Ask the LOS sub, they're starting their own network or something. I have nothing against them and I'm glad they're leaving.

They started the GaS Network.

Luis J Gomez has already said despite the new network they have no plans to leave.

They're trying to break ties peacefully, I guarantee they'll leave. Or not. Who cares? TACS is sinking.


Nah they over compensate these days

Damn is this a SJW page?

Looks like Ant is the real SJW.

With shots fired, Redditors are pulling some Alinsky tactics in response.

Congrats. You're an sjw now.

Not at all. I don't even care what he does in those videos I'm just pretending to be offended so they'll respond.

Oh in that case carry on.

Which is why you should put a twelve gauge shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger with your toe. lol I can't wait to obsessively stalk you and downvote all of your faggy comments like you obsessively stalk an old wealthy Italian man because of your gay small cock.

i love how you (cbanks) think you're doing a great service, when in fact you are nothing more than a rat desperately trying to gain approval from a community of lonely neckbeards for being an annoying cunt to someone you've never met. and of course the retards in this sub will lap it up because it makes them feel cool and subversive. keep up the good work.

TACS sucks and you should feel bad for listening to it.

And you should feel like a complete faggot for acting exactly like a fat unfuckable Tumblrina blogger. Then again you're the type of person who brags about getting Sarah Silverman to retweet your edgy cancer line so I can't say I'm surprised.


Does it seriously take a bunch of you to protect each other? Pathetic lol.


The only thing pathetic here is you acting like a #BLM SJW. I could give a shit less about Anthony and his network. But being a little anonymous cunt and taking money out of another man's wallet is beyond pathetic. Fuck you and your social media account on a platform meant for celebrities, bloggers, and fourteen year old girls. You're so fucking edgy bro.


Shut up you twat. What the fuck do you think you are accomplishing by posting here in this sub if all you can do is whine about your heroes being bashed?

Just trying to offset the faggoty mob mentality that has currently overrun this shit-heap. You can spin this however you want but the fact is that you're no more than glorified tattletales trying to impress each other for imaginary Internet points. Yet you guys have the nerve to pile on and call anyone a faggot for calling you out. More downvotes please.

I always love faggots like you that seem to actually give a shit about downvotes.

You are a fucking fag.

If you where a real man you would go to Joe and tell him what you did in his face, but you're a faggot hiding behind the internet stalking an old man so you feel good about your shitty life that will never mount to anything...

You sound just like Joe. You are totally unable to grasp the concept of the internet. Why in the fuck would I travel over 1,000 miles to tell some piece of shit that he is a piece of shit?

By the way, you stupid cock...it is "never Amount to anything". God damned idiot.

Lol, yeah clearly I care a lot about downvotes, that's why I'm continuously debating you retards. And instead of a well thought out comeback you just inadvertently proved my point. Any other zingers?

You are the one that mentioned downvotes!

You are a joke. Does that count as a zinger?

And you are a faggot, is that a zinger too?

Ugh. Disgusting. How can you be proud to be a whining tattle tail child? Just gross.

Because it's funny unlike him these days.

I don't like it anymore than you do, but Ant came here said he laughs at the losers on this sub who have no impact on his career and the threatened to dox us and shut down the sub. That's as close to "asking for it" as you're going to get

youre all just a bunch of concerned moms on a letter writing campaign. but that would involve leaving your house and mailing a letter so you'll stay inside and write some emails while your pig of a wife reminds you that you have to take the boys swimming this afternoon.

I'm literally [AGE REDACTED FOR MY OWN SAFETY] so I don't have a wife and kids, but I can still run circles around sycophants like you.

This is what happens when you've been raised an atheist and ascribe godlike characteristics to flawed celebrities.

Absolutely amazingly well stated...

I'm literally ** years old

Have you forwarded your Amazon Wishlist to Ant & Keith yet?

I got a PM from some guy called "The Hunter" asking for pics. Should I be concerned?

Okay then fucktard why dont you explain why you guys are all ok with Ant being racist beating up autistics and calling his girlfriend a nigger UNTIL he does something against you. So when you pen your little snitch boy letter why dont you say the real reason youre trying to get advertisers to leave the show, because he tried to close a subreddit or fucked a tranny or whatever you guys think. But you have to lie and be hypocrites and snitch on stuff that you all laughed at you are all just as pathetic as the people reposting the cake stomping video. So next time you contact an advertiser why dont you say "Hi Anthony Cumia tried to close down a subreddit I use as an escape from highschool bullies are you really going to continue advertising with him" but you wont because thats the truth and you would look like the retarded bitch boy you are.

Dude, you're not funny and none of your insults are landing. Nobody gives a fuck what he did we're just using it against him because he's acting like a gigantic faggot. Here's a comment I wrote to someone else that applies to you.

You're the one whiteknighting a 58 year old man. Let me make this clear for you: He hates his fans which means he hates you. He used to rant when he was part of O&A about how much he hated the callers. He laughed when fans would get butthurt when he randomly blocked them on twitter. He only takes calls on TACS and acts friendly because his ballwashers pay his bills. If you were dying in the street he would laugh about it. Listen to Steve C's death being announced on O&A. He makes jokes about him and clearly doesn't give a fuck about him. What makes him think he likes you? You will never be invited to the compound. And no, people bothering him are not 'libtards' out to get him. Do you think the fanbase who supported him for years just arbitrarily decided to change their political opinions out of spite? No, everyone here trashes him because it's funny and he's a crybaby. Stop whining.

I'm not trying to be funny im trying to explain how stupid you are. I dont even watch ants show i have no idea what got you autists into a rage this time. And you saying you are 15 and not mercilessly picked on in school is such a lie, you are communicating with advertisers online about a show you dont like. That is such a loser thing to do, because someone is "acting like a gigantic faggot" I dont get why you guys cant just watch this old mans descent into madness as he loses everything instead of doing it yourselves. Now just like Opie, he is going to have ammunition mentioning the "haters" and saying its not his shit show and behaviour that causes this its just "haters" but you fuckheads are so dense you have to try to ruin him yourselves so you can come here and get upvotes. Now think to yourself, why did you make this thread why did you feel the need to take a screenshot and let everyone know what you did, needy.

Now think to yourself, why did you make this thread why did you feel the need to take a screenshot and let everyone know what you did, needy.

This is the one thing you've gotten right. I'm a narcissist and I love the attention I get from trashing a 5'5" disgraced podcaster.

Every 15 year old thinks they're a narcissist, lemme guess you have hedonistic tendencies as well. You're such an edgy teen, girls stop and look up from their lockers, "hey is that the guy that complained to lootcrate about Anthony Cumia" that must make all the ladies swoon. The teachers even wanna fuck this kid.

I was being facetious, dummy.

"hey it that the guy who white knighted Anthony Cumia on a message board? Nobody wants to fuck him". Take the loss. I'm funnier and sharper than you and you're supposedly a grown ass man.

Well I dont know if I'm grown I'm 20 but the thing is I DONT LIKE most of what Ant is doing but you cunts are 20x more annoying. And if I was whiteknighting Cumia I wouldn't be making threads about it trying to get attention and approval like you are. How is anything you've done funny? Pretending to be mature and concerned to advertisers is funny? Fuck how can people be so miserable in their own lives that they have to do this, you autists and Ant truly deserve each other.

Pretending to be mature and concerned to advertisers is funny?

I did that so they'd listen and take me seriously. I can't be like you and say "fuck u you stupid faggots go burn in hell cunts" and expect a response.

You ARE white knighting him. You're furiously replying to everything bad being said about him. Just admit you worship him and calm down.

No stupid, I'm going after you because you made this thread looking for praise and other imbeciles actually gave it to you. And you still didn't answer my question, what part of this is funny? You're just a whiney baby boy who didn't get his way. You are so self-concerned you take things broadcasted to multiple people personally. The only person I would whiteknight for is Colin because he cant do anything wrong. Anyways, listen gang Ant caused all this and he is going to suffer but that doesn't mean you have to take up letter campaigns why dont you go write a think piece on your blog about the harmful power structure created by Ant beating a retard for throwing up you faggot.

why dont you go write a think piece on your blog about the harmful power structure created by Ant beating a retard for throwing up you faggot.

There it is. I must be a liberal SJW for shitting on him. It's all a conspiracy. Calm down.

Shit on Ant all you want, I dont give a care. The issue isn't Ant bashing its being a little pussy boy and contacting advertisers which is bad enough. Then you come on here for praise and rattle up the other mothers against drunks slapping retards.

I'm also contacting his streaming service too with proof of TOS violations.

Hahahaha, dude make a new thread about that "Zype has responded ..... " you fucking pussy boy. Whatre you gonna say im never using zype streaming service again because you have this guy on here wah wah wah! Did one of you're parents die to drive you to this? Or is this your way of getting mommy and daddys attention. Mom! I got a reply from an advertiser their pulling out! Jesus christ this is just as bad as christian groups in the 90s contacting advertisers and sjws now, im not calling you a sjw you thick fuck im saying youre just as bad as them. And you're making it seem like it's okay to contact peoples jobs and personal contacts if you dont agree with their viewpoint WHICH ITS NOT. Ant wanted to do it which was fucking wrong so what you doing it makes it right, you cock sucker? You are such a hypocrite go ahead and do whatever you want.

Sounds good.

Yeah, but what's your opinion on Panera Bread?

You're coming across as a complete idiot.

You created an identity over hating 50 year old shock jocks, so you cant be too bright either.

I don't hate them. I find this shit amusing as anything.

Hey cunt boy, if you don't like this sub and it bashing and toying with these ASSHOLES, why don't you go find another place where you can whine and cry like the faggot you are? No one here gives a shit what you think.

I come here for the same reason as you. I just think its faggot whiney boy shit to contact advertisers about some basement internet podcast. How can you say I'm whining? You stupid boob, is contacting advertisers and saying this mean man hits retards and possibly his yungg gf not whining? No thats being a tough guy and standing up for justice and whats right! I thought the whole point of this sub is that everyone is mean creeps not concerned parents, but what do I know.

How can I say you are whining? Because that is all you have done here. You are defending two of the biggest losers that exist, Joe and AntH. Normally I would agree with you, but it is Anthony that came here threatening people. HE is the one that wanted to expose people and contact their employers to get them fired.

Up until that happened, it was only shit talking here. He was being mocked for allegedly taking it up the ass from a tranny. NO ONE harassed the "woman". So his response is to find out that some poor schmuck working at Panera is hurting his feelings, and threaten to jeopardize their jobs. This is a fucking millionaire that is doing this.

The point of this sub is HUMOR. It has made me laugh more than anything from any of the shows. But the 3 CUNTS that used to be the Opie and Anthony show cannot seem to take it.....namely Anthony.

When did I defend either of them. I said millions of times I dont give a fuck about bashing them or exposing shit about them but why do you have to whine and snitch on him. You atleast want the show to keep going to make fun of it and how pathetic it is so why do you need to stoop to his level and contact advertisers and all this stupid shit. Ant was a fucking idiot for what he did but hes a dumb ginny wop who thinks everyone loves him for getting fired for being a racist. Who would have thought thats a finnicky fan base? Ant trying to dox people is just as fucking retarded as you guys contacting advertisers and acting like you buy their products but now you wont because of Ant hitting a retard. Same thing as those fags that brought up the cake stomping. Its all snitch cry baby bullshit and then you guys cry the PC police run amok, but you are all ready to snitch on each other at the drop of a hat. What you are doing is no different than the guy that goes to hr after overhearing a racist joke, THERES NO PLACE FOR THAT IN THE WORKPLACE, SIR.

WHO CARES about Anthony? He is the fucking asshole that started this shit by threatening some poor assholes job! FUCK HIM!!

I doubt anyone doing this shit( I am not, I just sit back and laugh) would ever argue it is hypocritical. But AGAIN, you are dealing with a true POS. Who the fuck cares?

Why don't you contact Anthony and whine that he is being a snitch? He is a fucking MILLIONAIRE that is going after a handful of people that call him a faggot. HE IS THE ONE THAT STARTED THIS SHIT!! Can you understand that, or should I draw you a picture?

All of what's going on here is ok. Anthony has confirmed this subreddit has no affect on him, plus he gets a good laugh out of it. This really is a win-win situation.

Well you just have no tolerance for opinions outside of your own. Do you need a hug? From a peckah?

Emailing and whining to advertisers is not an opinnion, stupid its an action. Sit on the subreddit all day and scream about tranny fucker ant but when he says you guys dont have an affect on him you all go into reeeeeee mode and let out an autistic squeal while penning letters to concerned mothers groups about Ant's appalling actions. Go on reply I want you to make whining to advertisers seem like a cool and normal thing to do. If you dont like it dont watch it or something like that. You guys taking up the cause of Bobo getting beat is almost retarded as him.

Oh I am the stupid one for you not being able to fully ascertain the meaning of my comment?

Who ever said we were okay with Ant being racist and beating an autistic? Even Ant appeared embarrassed by his actions the following Monday on O&A.

Are you beginning to hyperventilate?

He's freaking the fuck out haha

I can sense his fatness from his frantic typing.

you are such a massively pathetic cunt.

Cry harder, faggot.

you have no life

You're the one whiteknighting a 58 year old man.

Let me make this clear for you: He hates his fans which means he hates you. He used to rant when he was part of O&A about how much he hated the callers. He laughed when fans would get butthurt when he randomly blocked them on twitter. He only takes calls on TACS and acts friendly because his ballwashers pay his bills.

If you were dying in the street he would laugh about it. Listen to Steve C's death being announced on O&A. He makes jokes about him and clearly doesn't give a fuck about him. What makes him think he likes you? You will never be invited to the compound.

And no, people bothering him are not 'libtards' out to get him. Do you think the fanbase who supported him for years just arbitrarily decided to change their political opinions out of spite? No, everyone here trashes him because it's funny and he's a crybaby. Stop whining.

he entertains me. So do O&J. That's all I care about. Fuck off. Your obsession is pathetic and psychotic.

I bet you spell color with a 'u' faggot.

no, no I don't.


I think the evidence you gave speaks for itself. Even though you really sounded like a SJW, this is the same type of thing Anthony threatened.

She wants the dick

It's also similar to fucking other men. Incredibly faggy no matter the person.


Also, Kenny looks like a bird.

sooo doxxed, bro

and how phony they are

I'm starting to not hate you. keep up the good work.

You created an identity over hating 50 year old shock jocks, so you cant be too bright either.

That's pure speculation on your part. I doubt they will leave a profitable network with a reliable fan base and other shows to a brand new network with no revenue stream. Even if they did leave I can see there still being a partnership remaining. The LOS guys have not disowned Ant, hell Luis was just on his show.

Omg look how many times he wrote the word "I".