Joe says "nigger" a lot on twitter. Here's a collection.

120  2016-03-10 by Ant_Sucks

Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, It's only a word. Now get the fuck over it. Sincerely, This Guinea.

Next white person that incorrectly labels someone a "racist" in my presence, I'm going to address as "nigger", & if you're black, "cracker".

And by the way I've never seen a single tweet by @AnthonyCumia that's EVER used the word "nigger" in a disparaging way. If you have, show me

History Lesson: Pearl Harbor=Japs, 9/11=Sand Niggers, Towelheads etc...Anth Attcked=Nigger. Human nature fuckers! No apologies for REACTING.

@JimNorton Apparently, the nigger defied description! (PS- any race who would smash a 65yo mans head into the pavement is a nigger, but....)

@RichVos "Daniel Boone was a man was a big man but the bear was bigger so he ran like a nigger up a tree up a tree!" RacistSongLyricsSunday

Put him down like a rabid animal. I'd call him a nigger but that would be an insult to niggers everywhere.

Cumia has been deleting these tweets but they've all been archived FUCKER!"

@cnnbrk @CNN Hahahahahahaha!! What a Nigcompoop! A real octamaroon!


Yes, but he said he isn't racist! I'm sure he was just joshin' all 12 times the word appeared in a small 7-tweet sampling you provided. EDIT: My bad. 13.

That was just one slur. I found some gold when I searched "cunt".

I hate this goat yodeling cunt and I don't even know her. Nice work Obama. WideningTheRacialAndReligiousDivide

Don't forget his "goat yodeling" slur. There is no forgiveness for calling someone a goat yodeler.

it'll get you decapitated in some countries

I've seen Joe mention religion a bunch of times like he does here, is he a Christian on top of everything else that makes him a moron?

He is probably one of those guys that classify any shitty person as a nigger. Doesn't matter if you're black or white or whatever. Doesn't make it any less racist.

he's truly a stupid man. who tweets all that and then vehemently claims he's not a racist?

Racists often don't think they are racist. David Duke will go on a ten minute conspiracy rant about Jews, then claim he's not anti-semetic immediately after.

They have this idea that a racist is someone who immediately goes into a frothing rage everytime they see a black person. And since they don't, they think they're not racist.

A coward. Someone who has never really examined their life.

"Just because I use the word nigger often, sometimes just blatantly referring to black people, does not make me a racist!"

  • SAMCROJOE trying to convince some shit club to throw him $200 so his awful cover band can play music they didn't create.

He's right though, 9/11 and pearl harbour are the equivalent to his brother getting beat up by the tranny that he was soliciting sex from.

It was for him. It was the day that the gravy train started to slow.

Haha what an utter buffoon.


2016-01-01 16:50 UTC

Know why I won't call you a stupid beaner or wetback? Because I'm smarter than you. I rep. MY race with intelligence

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Because I'm smarter than you. I rep. MY race with intelligence

Nothing says intelligent like a failed musician that has to mooch off his brother.

If you need to bring up your skin color when dealing with intelligence, you're not that intelligent.

Also, naming his U2 cover band '2U' is the laziest fucking thing ever. How fucking long did that take him?

Hahah I love this place

Its like he has nigger tourettes.

But he's not racist guys!

The last link was deleted. You'd better start screenshotting these, you're basically helping him which tweets to remove.

I archived them all before I made my post, and updated the thread. I will not be outwitted by a nitwit.

You are dedicated, I hope I don't get on your bad side

It's funny because in his 2U website, he tries to advertise his tribute bands as family friends and with zero offensive material. That's surprising from a guy who wants to advertise he's a clean and for the whole family.

I can imagine that each of those venues will receive emails with his archived "best of" as a primer.

Ffffuuuuuck. That is brrruuuutal.

The Hate is being manipulated. PERIOD. sniff

Jeez these posts would really affect joes band from getting booked at places if the venues owners saw them

If only Dani from Lootcrate could read this. Hm....

Man, I feel bad for northern Italians. I'd fucking get rid of those SICILIAN CUNTS ASAP.

No wonder Venice and other important northern economies want to secede from Italy.

My first gen Italian American grandmother wouldn't consider him Italian. Se rightfully looked down upon this not from The Peidmont.

Anyone know which 3 gigs got cancelled? I'll feel like a silly goose emailing those ones.

No worries, it will be great to still get emails, that way they definitely remember not to book them next time.

Joe also like to use "dad's basement" a lot as well. Which is funny because he'd be living in his dad's basement right now if not for:

  • His dad being dead
  • His millionaire brother giving him an allowance

How can you really use the word 'nigger' in a non-disparaging way? That's come classic 2008 Louis CK 'It feels good to think this so it must be good' logic.

It's literally just your mouth making a sound, you fucking-ass-cunts! Get a job!

"Fuck my ass with that huge nigger cock"

You're triggering the fuck out of me. I thought this was a safe space with basic incomes and black lives mattering.

Is that a typo?

Typos are a social construct.

How can you really use the word 'nigger' in a non-disparaging way? you just did?

You're skating really close to SJW territory

You're skating real close to mansplaining you fucking heteronormative pig!

You are what you tweet.

So what.....???

And by the way I've never seen a single tweet by @AnthonyCumia that's EVER used the word "nigger" in a disparaging way. If you have, show me

Yeah, Ant always used it the way black people use it, in an endearing way.

Like "ayy what's up my niggas?". He was just joshin' around with his fellow North Africans.



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These are obviously U2 lyrics retard


Nelly is a good dude, where does the scumbag coke pusher cover band leader get off talking about him that way?


I see no problem here. Sorry guys.

I don't get what any of these tweets have to do with Dave Smith being on Redeye March 19th and 22nd.

So what.

I love the fact that we can be complete hypocrites, and it doesn't matter. Yet we destroy them for the same things. Evidence by OPs lack of any real care, or sympathy to the anti-nigger word cause. Since he used it in the thread.

This post has been brought to you by Pointless Observations.

I don't use the word personally, but that's not going to stop me from using quotes to describe somebody else's use of it. That's not hypocritical


If you're American, I understand. That anti-word sickness is fascinating to watch. It has spread to major centers like London, etc, but thankfully up North it's still pretty free. And I'm not saying I go around saying nigger every morning. But I hear it all the time. Usually ironically. It's the idea of some sort of ETHICAL STANCE AGAINST THE WORD that seems are strange, and warped as somebody that uses it intentionally to attempt to bring somebody down.

There is far less racial tension when everybody can say anything and nobody cares.

But then I think it's more of an issue with your media, than the people themselves. They have to get views somehow when all actual news is covered online. And the same Jews... sorry I mean "bankers" and "old white men" run our media, too.

This has been another Pointless Observation.

Well as an American I can tell you, it's 100% the people and just exasperated by media. If your black friend hears you say nigger, not usually a big deal, if a black stranger hears you say it, they go crazy. Can't really compare America and England on this subject considering most of Europe is far more socially liberal in everything than America, and England didn't have slavery until almost the twentieth century followed by institutionalized segregation/discrimination up until just 50 years ago.

Pointing his tweets out alone pisses him off and scares him. There are no 'SJW's' here, just a bunch of us who know that saying, "Oh look, Joe said this..." will send him into a tizzy.

gasp, you used too! don't you look like a fucking fool now.

"Fuck my ass with that huge nigger cock"

You're skating really close to SJW territory

Well as an American I can tell you, it's 100% the people and just exasperated by media. If your black friend hears you say nigger, not usually a big deal, if a black stranger hears you say it, they go crazy. Can't really compare America and England on this subject considering most of Europe is far more socially liberal in everything than America, and England didn't have slavery until almost the twentieth century followed by institutionalized segregation/discrimination up until just 50 years ago.

How can you really use the word 'nigger' in a non-disparaging way? you just did?