'Find 1, I pay him a visit, the rest will shut up' - brojoe is coming

65  2016-03-10 by olebillyredface28


He made his Facebook private. Phase 1 anyone?

I fucking love that we are in perpetual Jocktober!


I love that it's turned on the creators like Frankenstein's monster

Opie and Ant really bred this. Name one other rabid fanbase that is in such a rabid love/hate relationship.

Philadelphia Eagles fanbase comes in at a close second.

excellent example

I'm guessing more he's had more buyers cancelling and the rest of 2U are pissed. He seemed pretty adamant that he had nothing to hide when he went on that big rant though.

Ole weak eyelids ain't gonna do shit. He's the Artie Bucco of the Cumias.

unfair comparison sir http://youtu.be/FkM70Vq47Wo

You seem to forget he got his ass beat by a french guy and tried to commit suicide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H12lyzPcOYw

it was a bit dummy. you really think i would be that stupid? you think i haven't watched the sopranos? sniff gulp

Shit I might join the trolling party as this fucker deserves to be fucked with.


<-- Bro Joe has been a pekka head for this many days?

I'm just riffin here

Hes a bigger pussy than Joey Joe Joe Jr Shabadoo

I sure hope this older-than-my-dad guy doesn't come show me what for.

Cleganebowl, the hype is real.

Where does he think any "IT people" who were fans enough of o&a to know who he is would be? Oh, maybe the largest o&a fansite on the internet, good old Reddit.

Edit: I actually felt bad for this asshole when he lost his gigs. Now? Well, he should probably be talking to his future "buyers" about why a community of psychos is sending them pics of shit he said.

Hmm... it would be a special kind of fun to double agent that sleepy-eyed faggot

he's going to have to start every pitch with a fucking disclaimer from now on

But then he would have to explain that it's because of Anthony.

Talk about the black sheep of the family!

What's with these fucking retards don't they understand that this sub lives off the attention it gets?

fucking retards

You answered your own question.

Apparently, they do not.

Without the attention we die.

"find 1 $"??

Money is a little tight right now. With him losing gigs and all...


He's so stupid.


Ant doesn't give him more allowance until Sunday

OK Joe, first of all I live in another country - the internet is a global thing and you can't go around beating everyone up who who made fun of you on a platform liketwitter that nobody over the age of 14 should be using anyway. Second of all, uttering threats like this is a crime in the United States isn't it?

I can't understand why these guys don't realize that this is never going to go away - especially if they keep encouraging it directly like this. Addressing it AT ALL is the absolute worst thing they can do. It does nothing but demonstrate that the actions of a few thousand somewhat organized degenerate bastards can in fact cause both of the Cumia brothers to lose money.

It's just getting better every day.

Someone please help this biker gang LARPing granny. Send him to some guy's house in Jersey and get this dumb cunt arrested. Or shot in the head because remember Joe, #NoRehab, you're a fucking savage, an animal, threatening violence like that. Double tap from a non friendly, roger roger you fucking cosplayer.

Fucking great idea

Hmm. I know the exact location of the black thug equivalent of the surfer house in point break. The neighborhood's not even all that bad, kind of average-y lower middle class with young, polite, fat puerto rican broads walking around everywhere. Shouldn't scare a tough guy like Joe away. Might be some real potential here.

I was kidding, please don't involve me in the real life beating of a 60 year old Sons of Anarchy cosplayer. I just want to masturbate to the news stories about it afterwards.

That guy is 60. How humiliating.

60 is the new 45, am I right?!

Brother Joe is paying people to try and commit felonies now.

Attention IT people, come help someone vaguely connected to a show you like do something illegal.

but I don't like the show.

Someone replied with this tweet:

@JosephCumia Reddit is the sphincter of the Internet. Those dudes need to go outside for a while and simmer down

Why is it Reddit that needs to "chill out". Looks like we are just making eachother laugh while laughing at jerks. He's the one who wants to travel around the globe fighting trolls

@JosephCumia Reddit is the sphincter of the Internet. Those dudes need to go outside for a while and simmer down

Does that mean we have to get out of our mom's basement?

How will we remember where we left off in our D&D game?

I'm actually watching a d&d series despite never having played. Its better than o&a.

Joeseph Cumia!

Troll Diva!

๐ŸŽถ I'm every moron, it's all in me

Anything you want done, badly I'll do it naturally

I'm every moron, it's all in me I can read your tweets right now

Every one from A to Z ๐ŸŽถ


Social Joestice Warrior..


Someone should notify the district attorney

Tsss...yeah why not the dislenient attorney or sumpthin

Too smart for Chip

Joe will come visit you for $1 is how I interpreted this tweet.

Same price to hire 2U

A bargain at twice the price.


Film the beatdown while shouting WORLSTA plz


why wouldn't you? I mean, dont get the guy killed or anything. Or do, whatevs.

edit: just in case you need it

http://archive.is/LQSNf http://archive.is/VXlUA http://archive.is/sMfwp http://archive.is/jwMdN http://archive.is/5li0P http://archive.is/3z7Y2

Keep saving all these tweets to use against him in a criminal case.

No one is scared of you Joe, and we all know you don't have the money to pay anyone off. Anthony does, but you don't.

What happens if Joe pays someone a visit and he gets the shit kicked out of himโ€ฆthen what?

We encourage that person to press charges anyway

It will be the funniest thing that has ever happened ever.

Why does this idiot think he's a tough guy?

He reminds me of a lot of these "tough guys" I deal with at work. They have this badass appearance and bearing. when they don't get their way they stare you down, yell, and insinuate something bad is going to happen. You ask them to leave or have the police remove them and they don't do shit and / or look like they are going to cry.

They're compensating cause they're not real tough guys and hope their badass appearance and bearing scares most off.

I saw a case of that once at a 7-11. Some big redneck dude was yelling at a little Ethiopian employee about the price of something. Redneck was all of 6'5, 250 and the clerk was maybe 5'1 and 100 pounds. Redneck had on his boots and jeans and flannel shirt and was mad that the price of an item had changed from the past week and he wasn't going to pay the new price and the goddamn clerk better just be happy to get the money he left on the counter. Then he turned and walked for the door and the little clerk one handed over the counter, clearing the lottery machine sitting on it, and landed in front of the guy and went into a martial arts fighting stance, bouncing lightly on his feet and told the guy "you will not steal that!". Redneck stopped, realized he had bitten off more than he expected and immediately went into meek man mode, put down the item, apologized and walked out of the store, leaving the money he had laid on the counter and got in his vehicle and left. I laughed my ass off.

He just wanted some Jimmy Deans sositch for his plump wife.

Those Scotch girls can EAT!

Pussy ass 12 oz roll'a sositch

You can get away with being a bullshit tough guy cause it isn't worth it for most normal people to confront you and some think you're legit a badass.

But every once an a while you step on a land mine. Our top special forces guys have been killed and top fighters have been knocked out.

There's only 2 responses garbage-tier italians have: threats of violence ('me and my boys are going to come find you', never alone) or allusions to organized crime.

After the sopranos came out, every italian decided that they too were connected to La Famillia.

He reminds me of a lot of these "tough guys" I deal with at work.


I think if Joe beat someone up this sub would make fun of both of them. Even if he knew the identity and address of every single person talking shit on him it's not like he's getting that much airfare together. He'll just be getting sick burns from everyone outside of an orange county chopper's full tank radius.

Im gonna be sure to steer clear of joe, because im scared of him. So ill need a comprehensive list of all the venues he plans to play at, so I can avoid them. Anyone got that info?


No but how many 50 seat, over 60s early bird Irish themed happy hour pubs can there be?

This will be hilarious when in true Cumia fashion he catches a bullet in the head for attempting a home invasion.

The blacks are the problem though, right?

That was my first thought, that he would get hilariously 'second amendmented'

Holy shit that's embarrassing. Does this pudgy, aging asshole actually fancy himself a tough guy? You've watched WAY too much TV Joe. Don't get yourself hurt over some playful joshing around.

This 60 year old understands how the Internet works.


that's always been the best way to handle things. very public, documented threats of violence.

What a fucking fool.

Nobody better mention that we all live on Reddit Avenue in Silicon Valley.

PLEASE.. Will one of you MoMoes contact him as his IT guy and see where this goes already???

guys trolling is fun... but this time weve gone too far...

I sure hope he "pays a visit" to somebody who lives in a Castle Doctrine state.

"Any IT friendly's? Get me a positive ID on 1 of these li'l boys? Find 1 $, Ant buys me a ticket to go visit him,the rest will shut up."

Fixed that for you, Joe.

"Any IT friendly's? Get me a positive ID on 1 of these li'l boys? Find 1 $, Ant buys me and Keith the cop and a few of his friends from the NYPD tickets to go visit him, the rest will shut up."

Fixed that for you because you know Joe ain't showing up alone.

Joe, I can help you out, I'm an IT guy (Insouciant Transsexual).

(Cue Sons of Anarchy theme song)

What a giant homo-faggot.




I bet there is spaghetti all over his keyboard tonight

I'd like to think that Joe would have some trademark move before he comes in to terrify people, kind of like Freddy Krueger dragging his finger-knives on a brick wall. I imagine Joe's victims will hear a sputtering stupid Harley approach and begin to tremble in laughter.

He does have a point (yeah that's amazing to me too). People messaging his gigs to get him fired? Aside being an idiot on social media, what has he done specifically to fuck with your life? Leave the poor feller alone. Oh my god, I'm white knighting for Joe Cumia...

I wouldn't go to those lengths either but I sure am fine with laughing at other people doing it.

this is how I feel. I am far too lazy to put in the effort or researching 2U's tour schedule etc. but god damn it this shit is funny.


That's โ†–๏ธ My funny hat and as you can see I've taken it off.

It's not about laziness on my part. I don't really care about Joeseph Cumia trying to fight a member of this sub. I don't care about Ant, Opie or Jim. They're puppets to me; I keep them around to make me laugh and that's all I care about.

yeah you said it better. you can put your hat back on now please.


๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿป




Fuck him. What does he think will happen if he threatens members of this sub? If he doesn't understand what a dumb fuck move that is then I have no sympathy for him.

Money is a little tight right now. With him losing gigs and all...

He's so stupid.


Fucking great idea

Hmm. I know the exact location of the black thug equivalent of the surfer house in point break. The neighborhood's not even all that bad, kind of average-y lower middle class with young, polite, fat puerto rican broads walking around everywhere. Shouldn't scare a tough guy like Joe away. Might be some real potential here.

Ant doesn't give him more allowance until Sunday