Does Ant genuinely forget that he's fake laughing at the same story, with the same guest and responding with the same +30 y.o unfunny movie references? Dam Xanax addiction is a rough one

20  2016-03-10 by HerpesLipStrangler

TACS is basically a sheltered old mans version of The View, so hard to watch other than the 1-2 good shows a month. Just waiting until around the next payment to cancel. Don't wanna be on that master Doxx list yo


Ant seems to watch a lot of current shows too but never references them at all.It's like he can't take on new infomation

Same goes for his 1994 high school freshman wardrobe.

You can't remember shit on Xanax so no surprise here

Have you seen Twister..."it's almost here" that part