Why do you guys hate Bernie Sanders? I get a lot of you are conservatives, but there's no denying he is easily the best candidate

0  2016-03-10 by AnthonyCumiaSux


Not now, we're busy.


I saw one post shitting on him. Hardly a trend. Now tell us why you dislike Anthony. tits or GTFO

Fuck off with this shit, nobody cares.

-Where are we at with the Bernies? JIMMAY, what you think?

-Fuckin I dont know man I jus-

-MONGO! You're on the air!

This is goin' great.

I could be wrong because I'm retarded but I believe he is communist.

that's what the former construction worker, shock jock, intellectual on the internet told me.

Why the fuck would I want someone whose rally got hijacked by a bunch of 20 yearold black lives matter protesters the leader of the country?

Fuck off. I hate Bernie because of his fag supporter like you. Only a Bernie supporter would think "The word of my Messiah must be passed on to fans of this shock jock subreddit so they'll vote him in and cancel the debt I accumulated from poor financial decisions".

Also white people can be poor you frail kike.

We hate everything, where have you been?

He's Jewish.

We dont announce our official candidate endorsement until after the primaries. We sometimes use the word liberal to insult people who dont hate blacks but this is in no way a reflection of our political position.

I dislike bernie sanders because of his supporters to tell you the honest to god truth

No pawlitiks here

This is why. He's a pandering pussy.

Also, I went to school with people from the hood because I grew up in a middle class to poor city. I know exactly how welfare programs are abused, and I refuse to vote for anyone looking to expand those programs so more losers can spend my tax dollars on Jordans, weed, and Xbox. I'm not saying rich people shouldn't pay more, but I also don't believe in giving people a free ride indefinitely either.

That wasn't his rally. He handed control back over to the organizer, not them.

Correct, it was a rally for the anniversary of Social Security. No his. He was put in a weird spot. If he were to tell those two beasties to make like a tree and get outta there, he's a racist, white-privileged shitlord. But instead, he looked like a weakling and got "cucked" (as the kids say these days) at his own rally that wasn't his rally. So to be fair, it was a Catch-22 for the old fuck, he couldn't win either way.