(Theory) DeepDiscount must be a cocaine front. No one orders DVDs online, if they did it would be through Amazon not some shitty website with a flash logo. More importantly, no legit company would support the beating and berating of a retarded man.

36  2016-03-10 by [deleted]





Why the fuck do the games cost more on a site called "deep discount" than they do new? Cumia scraping the bottom of the barrel. This site might be worse than those franchise and oil drilling "opportunities" that advertise on XM.

Snoopy's Grand Adventure typically retails for over $200. It's a steal at $51.98.

so can we get his last sponsor exposed as a money laundering front?

Dunno what you're talking about. Don Bradman Cricket should be thousands and i'd be willing to pay but thanks to Deep Discount I can get it at a fraction of the price. Use promo code "Panera"

I'll have you know that I've made millions working from home selling real estate with none of my own money or effort. Ask me how! (Clue: peckahs)

Check the reviews out on Yelp... they're not good.


I think a lot of these company's don't actually pay for advertising, but you get a percentage of any sale that gets sent there by you... Which is why it's always like shitproduct.com/Anthony or "Use coupon code Anthony"

They pay a flat rate and then a percentage of sales from the promo code

I ordered DVD's thru Deep Discount in like 2003. In fact i didn't even know they existed until I recognized the shark logo.

I used to order a shitload of DVDs from them back in like 2001, 2002. They used to legitimately have not only the best prices online, but also they'd still have out of print stock for MONTHS after it became hard to find.

I remember scoring the Robocop Criterion DVD from them for like, $40 when it was double that on eBay and not available anywhere else.

Then at some point, they turned into this... thing that they are now.

No legit show would have them as an advertiser either. I think I'm on to something here....Ant's show sucks

They are advertising that they are selling DVDs for $24 dollars in 2016.

I can get head for that in my local Chinatown.


alleged. (but true)

I used to use them around 7 to 10 years ago and had no issues that I remember.