Bernie Sanders is a beta cuck

0  2016-03-10 by Grillskillz

Just wanted to let you all know




What's wrong with 'beta?' You some kinda fuckin' pussy, bro? Get a fucking job. You'll change your mind once you're in the REAAAAL world. I would know. I'm an emotionally stunted neocon that can't control stress. Everyone is like this in the REAAAAL WOOOORRRLD.


I know this is sarcasm, but this isn't far removed from the actual discourse of many cuntservatives. (i.e. Poe's Law)


Someone's butthurt. (And don't steal my bit)




The one drawback of the TACS sub shutting down

This is the first time i've seen this dumb political shit here. I assume those idiots don't talk about anything else since that's all anthony talks about.

I hope it comes down to him and Trump. Fuck it all.

I don't see Trumps bullshit working on him at all, either.

Nah Bernie is used to letting more dominant men take control. Also just in case you think I'm a Trump ball licker know that I'm not.

This is just stupid. Jokes like this are not funny when they are not based on reality. It might be funny to allude to Anthony fucking trannys because he pronbably did that. There is evidence for it.

He's a frail, closet Marxist, Jew that said "White people don't know what it's like to be poor". That's more than some evidence that he's a cuckold. Also his pig wife probably can only be satisfied by black horse dick. Fat gals take big dick best. It's why fat white women are drawn to blacks.

Also you white knighting for him saying "that's not funny because it annoys me" is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen on this sub.

There's more than some evidence that he's a cuckold.


this guy's good

Tanx fixed it. xxx. (I'm only trying to piss off the over sensitive Bernie bitch though. Keep that in mind hun. )

black horse dick

I see where your anger comes from.

Some of us white guys have big dicks. We arent all in your boat.

I'm actually Puerto Rican. But my dick is mediocre tbh. I'm sure you're packing 9 though. Why else would you hint to having a big one anonymously on the internet

I'm actually Puerto Rican.

DAYUM that's one dumbass pork chop

I'll cut you bitch.



Cuck, cuck, cuck. Congrats on learning half of a new word from closeted fags on the radio.

Yeah but is he a libtard?

Yes and he went to a liberal indoctrination center, aka college. Also, he helped do Benghazi.

... More like been-gay-z


Ok, how did he "do Benghazi?" (as you so eruditely phrased it)

You need to do some research, which is what I say when someone questions the Fox News talking points I parrot and have no ability to discuss any further.

Touche, sir. Touche.

What a spectacularly well-thought out comment.

sHedD ePp

A beta cuck than who? Keith? No way