Opie and Jimmy had a hilarious show today. Dick Cavett and Gilbert Gottfried were great guests. How was TACS?

0  2016-03-09 by [deleted]


No they didn't, and no they weren't.


This is only getting doiwnvoted because you homos don't go deep with Taylor Swift.

You have to type the actual lyrics, assdick.


Oh I dunno, some guy named Ron Bangton stopped by

ohhhhh shit yeah, fuck OP and this garbage ass thread

i can't even tell if you people are joking. I would rather blow my fucking brains out then listen to Ron Beingaton

Only an opie fan wouldn't find Ron funny.

He is the epitome of a pompous ass.

What's ur discription of opies personality?

His personality now, as far as I can tell, is nothing like what it was when he was a shock jock. I can't stand his personality in most of those old clips. I also hate Norton's old bullshit fake personality. I'm a legitimate new fan. I'm not impressed by their old shit at all (except when they had Patrice, CK, or Jay Mohr on- those clips are fucking classic). I was a fan of Howard for years. I've heard it all. I don't give a fuck about shock jock douchebaggery. Now, he is relaxed, self deprecating (he has clearly been working on this), respectful of his guests, and a good listener in the sense that he doesn't interrupt people and he tries to understand their point of view rather than attack them. He isn't a massively talented comedian, but I don't really care about that. I like Bill Burr's stand up, but I hate his podcast. Most stand up comedians seem to suck are radio unless they have someone like Opie there to reign them in. Opie isn't a genius but he has a few good simple rules about radio, that he mentions from time to time, mainly these are 1.Don't be "hack"- don't do any cliche "morning zoo" shit and closely related to that is 2. Don't be scripted. Let conversations flow. I personally like that format. It worked well today with Dick Cavett and Gilbert, imho.

Jesus Christ, he didn't ask for your dissertation from your faggotry phd



I heard a different show where Jimmy and Gilbert saved Dick Cavett from speaking to a moron about Donald Trump for two hours.

TACS was very good as well. Ronnie B came in and busted Anthony's balls making him uncomfortable which resulted in zero tears.

He is the epitome of a pompous ass.