Anthony Cumia Superfan here

0  2016-03-09 by jonesy6969

u guyss stop MArkiing fun of mah hEroe Anthony cUmia!! I Nnedd gunz, and blaks are dispruportiante numer ofCrimez. JJoeDAHVieto is fenny, and Fred from bruuklyn is cool ANd lucky.iwantto goto the compund OSmeday so Ican taLK about sunsofANaerky wWith Jo,ANnnnd plAy\Y carDZ wtiih cool peeple........We shuld all beable tosay Nword all the tiME


There's literally millions of ways this could have been done better.

You don't think this was a good post?


ApPrALl fAlLS!

I think I've seen some of the TACS Crowd before.

Has to be fake