Bennington is on TACS. Will he set Tranth straight?

30  2016-03-09 by SiriusXMLawyer007


I'll make sure to steal this episode later

Don't. It's fucking terrible. Anthony is just taking Trump call after Trump call and all the guests look suicidal.

The goose is gone, is there already a replacement? I'm asking for a friend.

"The Goose is Gone" sounds like a manchurian candidate trigger phrase.

Whisper that to Big A and he'll walk over to Anthony, live on air, grab him by the neck and snap him in half.

Ah man these are good comments folks

Edit: so I apologize for this one.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep... and miles to go before I sleep.
Remember, Andrew: Miles to go before I sleep...

ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka kill anthony


144p please. Easier on the eyes with the old Cumia show.



Even Ron Bennington couldnt make me listen to that audio diarrhea.

Ronnie told him to cut back on the sauce and sort himself out. So did Bobby. I realise the irony, they're both fat and should control their gluttony but at least they tried. That's real friends. They care about the self-destructive dago.

His other "friends" just keep mooching off him. He should listen to those that don't directly benefit off him.

Ron should just sucker punch him the second he enters studio and smack him around until the wop doesn't move anymore and leave. I don't think anything else works at this point.

"Guinea brat!"



"Fucking half slice!"

Sassy Boys style!

I would totally watch this for free if mothergoose58 wasn't such a fucking faggot

Just Google Anthony Cumia rss feed. Take that link and copy it into whatever podcast app you use and now listen for free niggah

Can't you just pm this to people? You're gonna get that shit shut down

Who cares it's a shitty network anyway and people made Anthony aware of this over a year ago

Looks like it's shutdown now

Ahh, didn't know that

It doesn't work in Downcast unless I'm doing something wrong.

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Yes it does.

It matters not whether the tree made a sound or did not. All that matters is that the tree fell.

PS Anthony socks cock

I caught the first few minutes of Ron and Gails music show on deep tracks and godddamn is in infuriating to hear Ron pontificate.

That cartoon caricature of Anthony in this twitter account's cover photo is the stuff of nightmares.

Oh, that's Ant?! I thought it was Freddy Krueger drinking a Guinness.

Ant has Ron in and all he can ask him is politics.

Anything other than politics is a minefield now.

So ant, seeing any new ladies?

So ant, hows the show going?

So ant, whats your thoughts on delicious cocks?

On a lighter note, what does cum taste like?

I started the episode late. But it's a good episode so fat. Luis J Gomez and Zack Amico.

"so fat." Lol.

Well this should be interesting...


Didn't think that was necessary.

very true. my apologies.

Last time, Ronnie made me respect TACS a little more. This time, I feel a little less for Ronnie B :(

Ronnie B is dead to me. #Bennington is awful and Ron's dedication to Tranth is mind boggling at this point.

His friend he has known for over a decade is having a hard time in his life and you can't comprehend his loyalty to him?

Anthony isn't having a hard time. Haven't you heard him say that he and his friends laugh at this stuff?

Ron is such a “feminist” that anyone who doesn't think a female comic is funny is some insecure man child “afraid of his own dick” but he has no problem giving credibility to a show hosted by a guy up on four charges of beating a woman.

To be fair, she deserved it.

Calm down,sir




144p please. Easier on the eyes with the old Cumia show.