Post your reasons for canceling your TACS sub here

2  2016-03-09 by icecap

This is what I emailed TACS after I canceled my yearly subscription (which ends in August unfortunately). I'm not a "hater" like you guys, but the show quality has really suffered since Anthony's recent legal troubles. Plus no Jimmy since.

"Hello, I've been a subscriber since day one and in case you guys wanted to know why I'm canceling 1) guests have not been up to par since Anthony's recent legal troubles 2) I don't want my subscription to help pay for Dani's NY apartment, and whatever payoff she gets from ant 3) legion of skanks are hinting that they're leaving the platform 4) Anthony hypocritically going against reddit. I don't care about reddit, but it's a dumb move because they can and will destroy him for it and it will affect the quality of the show.

I enjoyed it while it lasted and I may be back if things get much better. Until then, good luck."


There hasn't been a good show since Thanksgiving.

There hasn't been a good show since Thanksgiving 2014. FTFY

Ant is a cunt?

Do not post the reasons you canceled if you responded to why "you" canceled because the peice of shit will go through the records and doxx you. Let him OD on booze and Xanax, hopefully while he responds and 5 am.

It is not an entertaining show. I have choices.

I've been listening to the No Sleep podcast lately. 1000x more entertaining than O&J or Trant

I love listening to those. They're great to listen to while you're falling asleep.

Opie paid me to

You should watch the last episode of Pat Dixon's show before you quit. That girl that simulates masturbation is unbelievably sexy.

listening to a racist, sexual predator who threatens to silence this sub because he doesn't like the "hate speech" here, just wasn't doing it for me anymore.

I realised I was watching more of the shows on Ant's network via Vimeo in 4 minutes clips than I was on Just seemed foolish to keep the sub after that.

He has a dripping sensitive vag.

Signed up when he first started the show, seemed promising, signed up for 3 or 6 more months, cancelled before my first month even finished. Shit sucked.

Nothing that happened recently contributed to the show being shit. It was shit last year when I cancelled.

It was shit when he was still getting praise in this subreddit, and I was the only one bashing him on a daily basis. It was basically shit from Day One, but it took me a few months to realize it, and it's taken the rest of you a year and a half.

Do you want us to suck your cock or something?

I haven't unsubscribed because I like the other shows and would like to contribute a bit to their income, but I've pretty much stopped listening to Ant's show.

I kept falling asleep during ants shows, I only watched LOS, I'd rather just PayPal LJG Big J and Dave money each month.

This is the email I sent after cancelling "Would of loved to stay for ESD and LOS but I've had it with thin skinned doxxing cumia"


I signed up, thought about actually paying, then just found things to spend my money on that we're a lot more useful.

Well I like Gavin and los I would cancel but GO TO WHERE ? ant as much of a shitty show he has is still better than most the other SYTE out there what with all this young terks type shows at least give me a alternative

I'll cancel when Los leaves.

I am a sensible person that never expected anything from it and never subscribed.

Ran out of money. This was about 9 months before shit hit the Dani...err...nevermind.

Might be in the minority(on Reddit), but I'm still subscribed and I'm annoyed the TACS Subreddit got shut down in all this madness. It might not have been the most active board, but I always popped in to see what guests were on and throw my 2 cents in the show threads when I watched. Wish those guys would have left it up and let the people decide if it lives or dies.

You used 'affect' correctly. Weird.

hes gay

Shit sucks.

I haven't.. I'm not a sheep like you

Cancelled because some moron from this subreddit posted his account name and pass, so people could freely access TACN. So, I changed his password, and I'm set till July.

Also notified Anthony's people of the RSS leak, which will hopefully be fixed soon.

1 downvote = 1 tear :'(

edit: looks like they fixed the RSS or banned whoever shared their personal download link! High fives all around, bros.

So you changed mine, it was for the masses not your's personal

Don't worry. He's just one of Ant's goon squad. There seem to be about 3 or 4 of them that have popped up in the last few days. Someone from the compound or some of the moochers who play poker there. Anthony probably just blocked your account, I doubt anyone really wants to listen to his drivel anymore, free or otherwise. Do what someone said in another thread and contact your credit card company and see if you can get a refund for the months you aren't going to use.

Anthony probably just blocked your account

Nope. I'm sure MileDavisRose can verify that's his start date. He never said people couldn't change his password! How was I supposed to know?


Yup, looks like I got one of Ants goons on me, whatever I don't care. I'll miss the other shows but I'm sure I'll find a new way

Can't you put in a password reset request to your email?

There hasn't been a good show since Thanksgiving 2014. FTFY