James Norton is doing an advice show at 3pm. We should ask how his cartoon is going. (866) 969-1969

31  2016-03-09 by theantarctica


More interested in his views on stangels and not going on ants show than the shit cartoon

Why didn't he go on Anthony's show!!

Because its more important for Jay and Jim to contemplate and reminisce about their many many years in show business. They lose me at these parts though cuz I'm a stupid farmer and I won't even try to pretend I can appreciate their great craft.

These guys have the balls to stand up in front of a bunch of strangers, in the greatest city on Earth, and knock it out of the park.

This is the league of Carlin, Bruce, Pryor, Hicks, and Oakerson.

You forgot bobo

Hello James I've been known to be an outspoken internet celebrity with a alcohol and Xanax problem....


I hate the callers that call in his show. "Uhhhhh I'm about to ask a girl out whos fucking hot dude. And I just can't do it man..."

Someone ask him for advice on quitting heroin please.

What, and not bring up Tranthony? Sure, whatever.

I'm wondering if he's prepared for having to support both Opie and Anthony when they lose their gigs with just his stand-up career and indiegogo money.

How much money does he have invested in the show?

He's all in, brothaman.

hIS CaRToOn iS gOinG GrEAt

yORErre AahH PpEAaRRsOnNN OaFF lLOWwaahR sTToCkkk

I stopped listening the day he let that fat joke stealing, parallel thinking, cow run amok and didn't bother to call her out on her obvious Bull...

You leave that poor sweet boy alone.

Everytime I check his indiegogo it's always lower than I thought it was. For some reason I thought he broke 59K so I check to see if he reached 60k. But he's still at 58k

why is everyone on here so excitable but no one does anything? im sure most of you had time to call but no one did


but no one ever will