Gang, serious question: what role did O&A play in Wiener-gate?

9  2016-03-09 by [deleted]



It was 100‰ their fault (which I loved) and Anthony is the one that stole the picture (which I loved)


It was taken from the in studio video camera. Opie tried to take a photo of the photo but says it came out too blurry when Ant grabbed Breitbart's phone:

I think Ant used the Paltalk camera and screen shot, can someone link the audio.

It's actually in that article, I just didn't take the time to listen to it. I'm at work so I just scanned what Opie said in his little post there. But, yeah, I would imagine it would have been the Paltalk camera if they were passing the phone around the console.



They tried to turn a snapshot of a snapshot into national fame.

Sounds like a microcosm of their entire careers.

/\ - That guy gets it.

Andrew Brietbart had the infamous picture on his cell phone, he was showing it off but wasn't sharing it with anyone. As he was showing it to Opie and Anthony Anthony slid the picture in front of the pal talk cameras which was then screen shot and spread around.

Look at this leaked email from Hillary's server:

The Secretary Of State was reading an article about their role.

3rd last paragraph.

It was a huge story in the summer of 2011. Tranth did Red Eye with Brietbart on Fox earlier in the week and invited him to do the show. He did the show, pulled the pic on his phone and Tranth showed the pic on PalTalk. Opie posted a video of Brietbart showing Vincent D'Onofrio the pic later in the show. The pic went viral with the shows name attached to the biggest story of that summer, and every news program played Opie's vid of Vincent D'Onofrio. So really they knocked it out of the park by getting their show attached to one of the biggest stories of 2011, and having an Opie vid go viral.

And he's been desperately chasing that Dragon ever since....

They may or may not have actually killed Andrew Breitbart.


Lump me into the group that has no idea either.




Tssssss Weiner...fawkin hilarious