<-- The amount of times Anthony Cumia had sex with transexuals

1462  2016-03-09 by CharlieSheenAids


I hate this post for what it is, but was morally obligated to upvote.

well this whole sub is a shitpost

so ^

This is going to make it seem like Anthony has had sex with a lot of transsexuals

Pahaps a few more than that.

That's like, more transsexuals than you could imagine.

Can you imagine how much he spends on Panera bread sandwiches so they won't talk?

Can't be that much. They're very reasonably priced sandwiches

Doxxing is hungry work.

the fuck they are.

How do sandwiches get wet?

I imagine a world with... a TRILLION transexuals


Damnit. This is such a cheap way to get up votes... I had to up vote it.

I just want him to see his because you know the motherfucker reads this...but it doesn't bother him, right ant????

No karma for self posts anyway.



I don't even subscribe to this sub or listen to O&A anymore but the posts I see on rising are fucking hilarious.

Spreading the virus. We just want an open and honest discussion.

Jim Norton got the virus for all of us.


⚡ Got to agree ⚡

It's The Virus spreading across America sniff

Ahh that's why he is always sniffing.

That's the bit!

Thanks Bill

Comeback, buddy. We miss you.

This is like the new game+ of being an O&A fan. It's harder to listen to but the overall experience is more fulfilling.


And I have a scat fetish

436 times and counting. What a fucking whore. The proof is right there in the upvotes. He can't deny it.

Wow this guy loves fucking trannies. And guns. And booze. And more trannies. And boy tits. And buying boy tits.

We circlejerk now

I shall return during real nigga hours, then and only then will I smash that like.

Idk what hour that is, but drunk at around 5 AM seems like a "real nigga-ish" time to visit here. And by "real nigga" Im only going by bloodlines, stereotypes and crime statistics.

Well the jokes on you. Stuff like this doesn't affect him remember?

You are a piece of shit OP.


845? Ant said there's only like 4 people in this sub though, and all 4 of us work at Panera together.

Speaking of, can you cover my shift this Friday? I have a Magic the Gathering tournament.

4 people with 200 alts.

If this gets upvoted enough does it show up on the front page? Perhaps we can break through the mass of "DAE Bernie Sanders is the best ever???!" and "TIL some cats are brown"...?


Every time we get a good thing going it makes it to the second page. Rarely get a front page though.

Please everybody upvote this thank you


i upvoted just to prove there are more than a few hundred active users here

I was on Ant's side at first but 1040 times is too much.

I don't think Reddit allows posts to get that many points.

Hey guys, ant doesn't like it when you accuse him of fucking men.

Anthony has fucked atleast 1000 trannys.

And it's rising.

But enough about me.


Says me and you and our 499 alt accounts.

It's also the length of my fawkin' peckah

In microns.... ZING!

How the fuck does this have more than 1000 votes?

Ben Folds 500?

Wow, Anthony's putting up geneseo numbers.

looks like just over 1k active pests...

nothing to fuck with


Just over a tenth of the subscribers for this sub.


1,900 upvotes, not counting the downs (syndromes)

Stopped listening after they broke up. What happened now that spurred this? Last I heard was jimmy and opie fighting on air back in December.

Ant admitted to fucking a tranny on the air. Lol #joking #dontdoxxmebro

The amount of virgins in paradise



Clever trick, bra

OP is a genius and smells of dirty peckahs.

Thank you for your service


It's the most upvoted post on this sub now



Oh jeez that sure is a lot of trannies!

this has nothing to do with tranny fucking but what show did ant call into in the O&A days pretending to be a caller, but gets called out by the screener asking, "which one is this?" and and goes, "Anthony you fuck? Not mancow but shit its driving me crazy!


Panera Bread



He's fucked Sue more times than i've been to Panera bread

edit:I have never been to panera bread

You should come to Panera Bread, we have excellent food and excellent service.

What is the ultimate agenda with this sub beside a general retardation of about 2,000 obsessed assholes. I know I'm not funny I'm not clever I'm a retard. Please down vote! Then tell all your buddy's about how you got that guy on the Internet. ;)

this is meaningless...dont ask for upvotes or likes

Are you embarrassed?

If you mean because I have a bunch of dislikes...no, my bullshit is over 25,000 and I dont even notice when it changes...and you dont miss the opie hate over these facebook posts? fine

Wanna fuck?

If you'll wear knickers



-100 accounts never disappoint.

Is your username an insult to Burr's wife? Cunt

Number of up votes on my comment = number of pints of cum that OP swallows in a day

Numbers don't go that high

Wow greedy leave some for the rest of us

Hot or cold cum? Cause as we all know temperature can affect said cums density and smoothness of flavor as it goes down ones throat.